so, I wonder if the UnitedHealth numbers included PacifiCare, as well as AARP's numbers (since AARP's 'plan' is the UnitedHealth 'plan') - 3 so-called choices = the same corporation
I discovered the merger w/PacifiCare by looking up their
Annual Shareholder proxy reports at (form DEF-14A) ...
another side note I found interesting ... Donna Shalala, Clinton's former HHS Secretary, is out there helping We the People :sarcasm: by sitting on
UnitedHealth's Board of Directors ... now, isn't that special? So, is Tom "911 Coverup Commission head" Kean.
Is there any effect on 'plans' as a result of mergers, buyouts, bankruptcies???
What meds might one's health need down the road which are not on the forumulary of the plan one chose?
It's all a scam for Bu$h's corporate buddies to profit. It's the M.O. behind most everything they do.
WellPoint recently announced a 1st Quarter profit increase of 20%; and, they were in the top 3 along with UnitedHealth and Humana. Of course, UnitedHealth has been in the news regarding its
$2.4 billion stock options to its executives ($1.6 Billion to the CEO). BILLIONs. The CEO, also, got a
$5.8 million 'bonus' in 2005.
I'm waiting for the
11 Democratic Senators (granted 2 of them, Breaux (DINO-LA) and Miller (DINO-GA) are no longer in the Senate; yet, 2 current Democratic Senators were absent, Kerry and Lieberman) who voted FOR this bill to apologize (Baucus,Carper, Conrad,Dorgan,Feinstein,Landrieu,Lincoln,Nebraska's Nelson,Wyden) and to submit a bill to REPEAL it <crickets> . It only passed the House after who knows what behind the scenes bullying ...
the hammer went down at 6 a.m. when the vote flipped from 218 to 216 deficit to a 220 to 215 passage.
9 GOP voted AGAINST this bill, so it should have never seen the light of day. How is it that Reid and other leadership couldn't get the Democrats together on this very Democratic side of an issue and actually defeat a Bu$h agenda bill (what Bu$h agenda bill has been good for the common good? What idiot would vote for anything Bu$h submits based on all witnessed since 2001?)
Better than no bill at all, right Feinstein? That's what she said, adding the bill was a victory for senior citizens (yet, again the disabled on Medicare are off the radar).