I am without the writing skills/communication skills of Will Pitt and others at DU, and therefore find the phrasing and presentation of Democratic Party objectives by those with those skills very interesting.
Sounds like the NYT is just repeating GOP controlled media excuses for not presenting a fair political picture. I started a thread on Liberal Talk radio that might be of interest:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=109&topic_id=3258Liberal Talk radio – some shows that should be book marked by folks at DU
For example: The Thom Hartmann show - Monday - Friday noon to 3:00 PM
http://www.thomhartmann.com/show.shtml is nationally syndicated on radio stations across the USA daily, Monday through Friday, from noon to 3 pm EST through the i.e. America Radio Network (115 radio station affiliates), and is also broadcast on Stream 145 on the Sirius satellite radio ("Sirius Left" - their progressive talk channel), and streamed live on the web from i.e. America Radio's home page. The program is also rebroadcast daily on the www.radiopower.org website as a stream from midnight to 3 am and from 6 am to 9 am EST. There's also a three-week archive of the program on the White Rose Society's website. And, I.E. America
http://clk.about.com/?zi=1/XJ&sdn=radio&zu=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ieamericaradio.com%2F provides several Radio personalities, distributed via satellite to Radio stations, who provide more liberal points of view. RadioLeft.com
http://clk.about.com/?zi=1/XJ&sdn=radio&zu=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.radioleft.com%2F went live May, 2001 and produces two hours of conversation daily which is then repeated. And on a much smaller scale, OutrageRadio.com
http://clk.about.com/?zi=1/XJ&sdn=radio&zu=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.outrageradio.com%2F will soon start up with a one-hour program each week. It is a Manhattan-based liberal talk-show program internet Radio show that bills itself as "Liberal talk with an attitude.", with James Linkin, who with Michael Tulinan owns the effort, hosting the show, featuring interviews with heros of the progressive, liberal world. By next year, the partners aim to produce a daily radio show. Linkin and Tulipan were formerly director of computer operations and director of operations, respectively, at streaming video provider iNEXTV.com, which went belly-up in 2001.
The right – as it balloons the size of government with entitlements and corporate welfare contracts designed to help the richer among us – tries to sell via right wing hate radio that the word “liberal” means bigger, more centralized government that is laden with entitlements; higher taxes, a reticence to oppose enemies of the nation with military might, a willingness to abdicate authority to international organizations such as the United Nations, with a values agenda that is against faith in God, the traditional family; Constitutional rights and constraints, all proven by the nature of the folks and organizations that support one or more parts of the liberal, progressive, Democratic Party agenda.
We need to take back the language and not let the GOP right wing nuts – or their foot soldiers called the media – brand the Democratic Party organization in this way. We need to not let our tolerance for different viewpoints – an American Strength – be used to tar and feather us as advocates of ideas that are not central to our political beliefs.
But the right has a natural advantage in hard core political programming. The right wing and their friends in the US Media have shown that programs and personalities pushing the illusion of mythological freedom while hiding the reality of control by the corporate and rich is any easy sell to advertisers. Indeed, right wing voices pushing sales to help you protect your self-reliance, defend against the dangerous Other, and give you status via consumer choice and free market effectiveness, if you only had the money, are a natural advertising dollar magnet for corporations. Advertisers may not flock to shows and personalities that promote true political progressiveness, of the kind that addresses social inequality, the relationship between capital and labor, environmental activism (and the sacrifices needed to undertake it), the Rights of Man, and the practice of inclusion and community. There is not much glamour in Programming that explains what it is like to worry about the transmission on the ten year-old car needed to get to work, the trade-offs between employment and health care for single moms, between prescription drugs and food for the elderly, and job training and the minimum wage for the chronically unemployed. Indeed explaining either how right wing judges help the GOP help the rich and corporate, or preaching the need to replace reactionary judges in an Orin Hatch world where it is un-American to challenge law as right wing political viewpoint, may not draw any advertisers.
Even I.E. America has "Talkin' Pets with John Patch" and "Antique Talk with Christopher Kent". Radio as commerce first, with entertaining, informative hosts giving casual, informative chat, may be all we can hope for – but that would be a great improvement over today’s right wing hate radio.