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More being halted off U.S. coast

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-03 05:04 AM
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More being halted off U.S. coast
Posted on Mon, Dec. 01, 2003

More being halted off U.S. coast
Improved coordination by federal agencies leads to an increased number of undocumented migrants being stopped at sea.

The rickety 60-foot sailing boat, overloaded with dozens of undocumented migrants, was spotted in mid-November near one of the southernmost islands in the Bahamas.

Gallatin, a Coast Guard cutter based in Charleston, S.C., was dispatched to intercept the vessel. It succeeded 40 miles northwest of Great Inagua, just north of Cuba, and the 204 people aboard -- 203 Haitians and one Cuban -- were repatriated.

The interdiction of the vessel, likely bound for South Florida, illustrates a growing trend: Interceptions are becoming more frequent, and arrivals of large migrant-laden boats more infrequent on local shores -- which federal officials link to more efficient detection techniques under the new Department of Homeland Security.


(snip) In the fiscal year figures, the largest number of migrants stopped was Haitians -- 2,013 in 2003 compared to 1,486 in 2002 -- followed by Dominicans with 1,748 stopped in 2003 versus 177 in 2002, and Cubans -- 1,555 in 2003 and 666 in 2002. (snip/...)

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izzie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-01-03 06:34 AM
Response to Original message
1. Have you ever looked at site that list the numbers coming in?
It is on FAIR and check that as their are 2 Fair's listed. The number in some states will knock you over and these are the legit ones. I do not think this country can handle it in this number. Why not slow it down for a few years? The rich do not need this number of maids and garden people to pay min. wages to. We can thank Gramm of Tex. for a lot of this.He wanted the 1 Million to 2 million at one time. In the 60's JFK took it off the quota system and let 100,000 come in from each section or the world. So American and rest making it 200,000 for all. Look back on that as the quota were not working and we generally only let in people from Eur.In other words since this country had mostly English background people mostly Eng, could come in. It started with who were here. Think it was a bill in 1962 and it was a big deal.This law had gone in about 1880 to keep America white and was really pushd by the Bramers(sp) or Boston.Same name as upper caste Indians are called.
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