,1,610705.story?coll=la-home-headlinesDean Ruled From the Fiscal Center in Vermont
By Elizabeth Mehren
Times Staff Writer
December 1, 2003
MONTPELIER, Vt. — Soon after he won his first election as Vermont's governor in 1992, Democrat Howard Dean summoned his party's leadership to his Capitol office here and delivered a lecture worthy of any tightfisted Republican.
The financier-turned-physician-turned-politician sternly warned that whatever lofty goals the legislators had in mind — expanding preschool education, providing universal health care or toughening environmental laws — none of it would happen if voters did not trust them with their money.
"He told us that the No. 1 concern for Democrats was how we handled the public purse," said former state Rep. Dick McCormack. "In many ways, that defined his whole administration."
Dean was known on the ice for his "cut and thrust" technique, said Willard Sterne Randall, a professor at Vermont's Champlain College. The same determination marked his style as governor, Randall said.
"Dean is a bulldog," he said. "He keeps after things. He is driven, and he knows just what he wants."