from an interview with A lot of your book deals with your coming to terms with being gay, and what that meant in terms of right-wing ideology. You mention Matt Drudge as having a crush on you. In fact, many months ago, BuzzFlash wrote about a dust-up about a book that allegedly was going to supposedly "out" some of the people who worked on the Ken Starr "entrapment" team. Matt Drudge basically went on a campaign "playing the gay card," saying this was going to be totally unfair to people. As a result, the book was deep-sixed by the publisher. We thought it was all a bit odd, coming from Matt Drudge.
DAVID BROCK: When I was in the Troopergate story, I embarked on an investigation which was trying to out Clinton's private life. And that was a conflict. I was on a successful career track, I was able to compartmentalize my feelings about all that, and continue to soldier on. But at a certain point, it did begin to wear on me. You're serving a party that a substantial majority of which is not amicable to your own interests as a gay person.
In the Drudge case, and in my case, I think that there's another issue of hypocrisy which would just simply involve the salacious pursuit of people's private lives, when you're trying to essentially deny your own -- guard your own privacy. If need be, lie about it. It is an interesting phenomenon that there were high-ranking people, in the case of Gingrich, you know, his very topmost lieutenant -- some people in the Starr investigation -- you know, a board member of the American Spectator. I could go on, but closeted gays are well represented in the extreme right.
I mean, if you want to go into the thinking of how that happens, in my case, I think that my own extremism was kind of a way of trying to prove myself in a movement that I knew down deep had trouble accepting me. And so I would go the extra mile to, you know, attack Anita Hill just to gain acceptance. I don't want to speak for the innermost thoughts of people like Matt Drudge, but I've seen it in others, and I think there's something to be said for the fact that a number of closeted gays are the more gung-ho extremists. And I think that has to do with the insecurity of their own position and, you know, possibly self-hatred as well.dude has some issues. he wants to attack the left, finds a shadow that looks like a penis, and makes an ass of himself by focusing on that instead. perhaps it's his way of finding a picture that out-cods the codpiece picture of bush. mostly, i think he's hung up on penises. the ultimate story for drudge would be a shark attack in which a penis was lost. of course, it would be best if the victim was a liberal activist.