Posted on Thu, Aug. 24, 2006
Horrors revisited in pursuit of peace
As part of its peace process with right-wing paramilitaries, the Colombian government has to face the many victims.
DIFFICULT TASK: Benito Chacon is looking for buried bodies by the outskirts of La Gabarra, Colombia. Locals estimate there may be at least 5000 victims in this region alone.
LA GABARRA, Colombia - Colombia revisits horrors in pursuit of peace
In this village along the Venezuelan border, every house tells a story of violence.
Some are filled with widows and orphans. Others hold new dwellers who fled the violence and then returned to find their own homes burned or looted. Then there are the homes now empty but once used by right-wing paramilitaries whose violence forced two-thirds of this town to scramble for their lives.
La Gabarra is just one of many tales of horror that the Colombian government will have to sort through as it finalizes peace talks with paramilitary groups that killed thousands of suspected leftist guerrillas and supporters and left an untold number missing.
The peace process already has yielded some results -- the demobilization of more than 31,000 paramilitary fighters, and the promise that some of the paramilitary commanders will pay reparations to victims in the form of land and money. And this week, 14 paramilitary leaders were forced to accept prison while they await prosecutors' investigations and trials.