Chile's Bachelet Defends Plan to Give Teens `Day After' Pill
By Heather Walsh
Sept. 6 (Bloomberg) -- Chilean President Michelle Bachelet defended her government's decision to supply after-sex birth control pills to teenagers, a measure that has triggered opposition within her political coalition.
Bachelet, a pediatrician, said today the Sept. 2 decision by the Health Ministry will help reduce teenage pregnancy that especially affects the poor. Her comments were broadcast by state- run National Television from an interview with Radio W. The decision allow girls of 14 and older to receive the so-called ``day-after pill'' for free in public clinics without parental consent. The pill previously was made available only to rape victims in Chile, where abortion is illegal.
``Youth are starting to have sexual relations earlier,'' Bachelet said. ``They make decisions without having information, they get pregnant, some have abortions, and others have pregnancies that are unwanted with all the dramatic consequences that implies.''
Bachelet said that providing the pills for free will increase equality in Chile, where they already are available in pharmacies for those who can pay for it. Sales of the pill are higher in wealthy communities because of an ``economic barrier'' created by the price, Health Minister Soledad Maria Barria said today on Canal13 Television.