Ex-Mexican Police Commander Flees Warrant
Wednesday December 3, 2003 4:01 AM
ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) - A former police commander has fled after a judge ordered his arrest on suspicion of kidnapping alleged leftists during the Mexican government's campaign against radical activists of the 1970s.
Defense attorney Roberto Vazquez said late Monday that the former state Judicial Police commander, Isidro Galeana, had been formally been declared a fugitive.
Galeana is accused of overseeing the 1974 abduction of Jacob Najera Hernandez, a schoolteacher who allegedly was linked to communist guerrilla leader Lucio Cabanas. Herandez was never heard from again.
The arrest warrant issued Nov. 26 was the first against former officials targeted by recent government investigations into the disappearances and presumed killings of leftists during the so-called dirty war of the 1970s. (snip/...)
http://www.guardian.co.uk/worldlatest/story/0,1280,-3457004,00.html~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~What does it mean if we are seeing a popular turning against the "dirty wars" in Latin America which got so much right-wing American support?
Would it "trickle across" the border? Can we expect to see a distancing from murder, mayhem, right-wing extremism? Yeah, right.