Nurture and nature together.
Because nature can be brutal as shit. Parents can be brutal as shit.
You abuse someone they see threats where there are none. I have PSTD I see threats sometimes where there are none.It makes me sensitive and defensive sometimes. The kind of "nurture" I grew up with,if you wanna call it that..has made me more aggressive,stressed and wary than I want to be. So I spend alot of time dealing with anger ,triggers and feeling unsafe in situations that may not bug other people at all..
Child abuse is common. It has been throughout civilized history. abuse and trauma from events can scar the brain ,change the perception of the world the person has,and leave their brain stuck in vigilant(threat) mode.
I got that problem.I startle when people approach me certain ways,I can't help it,I just jump out of my skin sometimes I yelp or spin around with my fists ready to punch. Most of the time it's no threat just my mom asking a question or something like that.I feel stupid after I do that because I don't intend to be that way but it's an involuntary,visceral reaction..
But another thing if people grab my arms it is a direct trigger. That I cannot cope with well at all yet. I have to fight the urge to fight or struggle to escape with every ounce of my being to not to clock them when people who do not know my past grab my arms.
I know People DO grab your arms for benign reasons like helping you up after a fall .But still I react and fight that visceral reaction.
So I dunno how many males are made that way by abuse,because not many people grow up in this culture without running into a bully when 1 in 4 people have some form of personality disorder resting on the spectrum of narcissism,sociopath or authoritarian.The Military has a culture of hierarchy,abuse,and obedeince..Stuff like hazing, sergeants talking to recruits like scum to break them down,the "killing the woman" in the man concept in the military a few examples among many more of the abuse culture in the military .The boot camp breakdown means breaking down a recruits ego or personality so they will be more willing to obey orders instead of their own inner locus of control or conscience,and overcome the natural resistance to killing another human being.(this break down process does not apply in the same way to sociopaths,authoritarians and bully types,they just need to be impressed upon that obeying the chain of command will get them more of what they already want ,which is more or less in line with the desires of the military industrial complex anyways*full spectrum domination*)
Nature is brutal there are predators hurricanes forest fires droughts..That scars the brain with trauma.
I don't think there are many people on this Earth who have No scars from traumas.
Now if you add hormones to the mix it can get alot worse.
I remember before I began my transition from Female to male(I am transgender) I had PMS from hell.Female/male hormones out of balance in conflict inside my body was one of my problems. I became crazy every month.Literally. I got stuck in psych wards because of the havoc hormones wrought upon my brain once the hormones got changed when the period started I would be calmer but also very suicidal because of the triggering of my transgender issues bleeding caused.. My anger got so bad when my hormones were off I would clobber walls just to get myself under control so I could cope with life and all the stress and not hurt anyone.I remember little things would piss me off that would not faze me now..Now that my uterus is gone(It was taken out because I got stuck in bleed mode and became anemic) and now that I am older and hopefully the ovaries are drying up because with every passing year I feel calmer and I notice the testosterone is increasing as the estrogen fades.... I'd get so mad I'd bite the back of a chair to control myself.So I do know hormones are powerful things that are in bodies that can mess you up.If men have the hormones out of whack in certain ways they can get crazy too I have no doubt.I have seen Male to Female Trans people change when they got shots of estrogen into totally different people emotionally,not just physically their tension just melted away,similar to what happed to me when a source of conflicting hormones for my body was taken out.
The change was DRAMATIC for me. Getting a hysterectomy was the best thing that ever happened for my mental health I can say with no doubt.So I dunno.
That is why I said the stuff I said in the other post about hormone disruptor's. might be a good thing wrapped up inside a bad thing. If some over aggressive,threatened possibly abused males are craving estrogen and some females are craving (bodily)testosterone..It could stabilize things on a societal level if these hormones get balanced in individuals somehow. It's uncanny how these hormone disruptor's feminize men and mascuinize women..Maybe we are all androgyny and nature is trying to fix a "split" that should never have been,but has happened. I mean even in areas where pollution is not so severe animals can switch genders at will. Looks like evolution could be self correcting,and also culling the human population to sustainable levels,on Earth..
A limit on births is being imposed ,from nature and from corporation .A limit which we seem unable to do on our own initiative,because of cultural baggage,religious beliefs or from our very bodies. Nature could be working through US and using our brains and our inventiveness,certain people's callous competitive greed(sociopath Ceo's) and our general lack of foresight to change us before we kill this planet. I think life itself wants to live,beyond what living individuals do in thier lives....I dunno what's going on,time will tell what the effects these chemicals will have on us all.Good or bad.I hope for the good tho,but I am cynical enough to see the bad too. I Hope someday we are balanced emotionally to the point there are no more wars or child abuse.