Things are a changing day by day-right under our eyes. keeps tight rein on Health Dept.
Specialists assert politics playing role in key decisions
By Stephen Smith, Globe Staff | September 10, 2006
Four times during the past nine months, Governor Mitt Romney and his aides have reversed decisions by his public health commissioner or heavily influenced the adoption of policies consistent with the governor's conservative social views.
Those decisions involved issues such as abstinence education, stem cell research, and the sale of drug needles to prevent AIDS. In interviews, more than a dozen current and former Department of Public Health officials and other health specialists said the Romney administration has also exerted increasingly stringent control over the agency behind the scenes.
Jean Flatley McGuire directed the department's HIV/AIDS Bureau for six years, but she left in 2003 in large part, she said, because of the Romney administration's interference with the DPH..........
In May 2005, the Department of Public Health provided testimony to the Legislature supporting over-the-counter sales of hypodermic needles to drug addicts as a way to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
Opponents of making clean needles available to addicts fear that the policy encourages drug use, but repeated, independent scientific studies have found no evidence of that. But Romney adamantly opposed over-the-counter sales, and a year after voicing support for the measure, the DPH reversed course.