Edited on Sun Sep-10-06 11:58 AM by Peace Patriot
and one of the chief reasons they took over our election system, during the 2002-2004 period, with electronic voting machines and central tabulators, run on TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY programming code with virtually no audit/recount controls.
If there is anything Americans are near unanimous on, it is protection of Social Security (right up there with serious concern about the Bush's $10 trillion deficit--in the 80% to 90% range in opinion polls). And nothing sticks in the craw of corporate fascists and the super-rich like this socially responsible program of FDR's New Deal. They tried to kill it then. They failed. (--an interesting story in itself*). They've been trying to kill it ever since. Now they have Diebold, ES&S and Sequoia (s)elections by which to cement a fascist corporate majority in Congress to DEFY the overwhelming will of the American people.
You wonder how Bush can be so arrogant? You wonder how Bush and Cheney can both be predicting Bushite "wins" in November? Here's why:
DIEBOLD: Until recently, headed by Wally O'Dell, a Bush-Cheney campaign chair and major fundraiser (a Bush "Pioneer," right up there with Ken Lay), who promised in writing to "deliver Ohio's electoral votes to Bush-Cheney in 2004"; and
ES&S: A spinoff of Diebold (similar computer architecture), initially funded by rightwing billionaire Howard Ahmanson, who also gave one million dollars to the extremist 'christian' Chalcedon Foundation (which touts the death penalty for homosexuals, among other things). Diebold and ES&S have an incestuous relationship; they are run by two brothers, Bob and Todd Urosevich.
These are the people who "counted" 80% of the nation's votes in 2004, under a veil of corporate secrecy. And, despite all the efforts of the awesome, grass roots election reform movement, they are more entrenched than ever (due mostly to the corruption and collusion of the Democratic Party leadership on the electronic voting boondoggle).
SEQUOIA: The third major election theft industry player, which hired Republican former Calif Secretary of State Bill Jones, and his chief aide, Alfie Charles, to peddle their machines--in an outstanding example of the highly corrupt practice of "revolving door" employment.
Our votes are now being "counted" by Bushite corporations, in extremely insecure and insider hackable electronic voting systems, with laws passed throughout the United States forbidding even our secretaries of state from reviewing the TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY code by which our votes are "tabulated." This fascist coup--and it is nothing less--was engineered by the biggest crooks in the Anthrax Congress, Tom Delay and Bob Ney (now indicted or resigned in bribery scandals), abetted by Bilderberg 'Democrats' like Christopher Dodd. The piece of crap legislation that fomented this coup--the so-called "Help America Vote Act" (2002)--appropriated nearly $4 billion dollars for the fast-track conversion to NON-TRANSPARENT, UNVERIFIABLE, UNRECOUNTABLE, UNAUDITABLE electronic voting systems. This money was used to entice, bribe and corrupt local election officials from one end of the country to the other, and, combined with unregulated lavish lobbying, and federal bullying, resulted in completely unreliable vote totals, nationwide, in 2004, and forevermore--if we do not rebel against these machines and throw them into 'Boston Harbor' where they belong.
Social Security is history--if you don't get rid of these election theft machines!
How to do it?
FLOOD local election officials with MOUNTAINS of Absentee Ballot votes this fall, and thereby create sufficient panic and crisis in the election theft industry to FORCE reform NOW.
Absentee Ballot votes are not "safe" either--and will not insure accurate vote counts in November, but, if enough people vote by Absentee Ballot (--and many already are--it's up to 50% in Los Angeles)--if, say, everyone who wants Social Security protected votes by AB (80% to 90%!)--then we will have the clout to FORCE local/state election officials to the table, with our demand for restoration of transparent vote counting.
An AB voting protest has many potential benefits, and no downside. It will HELP turnout. It's a great motivator for disillusioned non-voters--to be part of a protest aimed at un-rigging the system. It's easy. Everybody can do it. (Most states have some form of AB voting.) It's a maximum participation protest. It will bring more scrutiny to how AB votes are handled, and to this whole dishonest, secret vote counting system. And it will send a powerful message to our illegitimate rulers--a massive citizen "vote of no confidence" in their illegitimate rule and in their corrupt method of retaining power. They CANNOT continue to impose the agenda of a small minority of billionaires and rightwing nuts without serious consequences. A massive Absentee Ballot vote will make that clear. It will be the SECOND "shot heard round the world"--the opening shot of American Revolution II--casting off the Corporate Rulers.
There is nothing on the horizon, in the election reform movement, to prevent Stolen Election III this November--despite the huge growth of this movement over the last two years, with many lawsuits, new groups formed, weighty scientific reports, articles, books, web sites and impassioned activists. Bush and Cheney know this. That's how they can confidently predict a "win." Their buds at Diebold, ES&S and Sequoia control the results. And our Democratic Party leaders are in such a state of fear and/or corruption--or outright collusion (as with Christopher Dodd)--that they have been MIND-BOGGLINGLY SILENT about this egregiously non-transparent, rigged system.
Therefore, we, the people must act. We can't get accurate vote counts this fall, but we CAN thoroughly shake this system up and jump-start reform, at the state/local level, in order to save the '08 primaries and general election from secret, Bushite-corporate controlled vote "counting." And in this way, we will be able to start REVERSING the damage that the Bush Junta has inflicted on our country, including their goal of looting and destroying Social Security. I repeat: We cannot get accurate vote counts this fall. It is not possible. So they WILL retain essential control of this illegitimate Congress--even if they throw us a few sops to quiet down the growing rebellion against their rigged voting machines. (And with about half the Dems being corporatists or warmongers, and often voting with the Bushites, even a Dem majority may not mean much as to saving Social Security, preventing more corporate oil wars, and other bottom-line disagreements between this fascist government and the great majority of Americans.) WE. MUST. GET. BACK. PUBLIC. CONTROL. OF. OUR. ELECTIONS. This is Priority No. 1.
BOYCOTT the machines! DON'T vote on them! Vote by Absentee Ballot--to jump-start Election Reform NOW!
*(FDR kept running into a fascist Supreme Court, appointed in the previous Era of Greed that had caused the Great Crash of '29. Very similar to the situation that our reform candidates will face, if we ever get our election system under public control again. Millions of people out of work and starving; thousands of family farms being destroyed by the "dust bowl" and the banks. And the Supreme Court was blockading essential measures to put the country back on its feet. So FDR and the New Dealers planned to ADD younger, liberal justices to the Supreme Court, to balance out the rightwing fascist majority. Rightwing corporate newspapers called this "packing the Supreme Court" and portrayed it as the scheme of a dictator. But it was perfectly legal and within the rights--and even duty--of the majority, especially in such a national crisis. The Constitution does not specify the number of Supreme Court justices. Nine is an arbitrary number. It can be changed by Congress. (Take note! We may well need this in the future!) The rightwing reaction was so intense (that era's "swift-boating" and dirty Rovian tactics) that FDR had to back off from the plan. However, the THREAT of adding liberal justices, and the common sense of the New Deal programs, caused one justice to change his mind (--name of Roberts, interestingly), and the program that he saved from a rightwing Supreme Court blockade was SOCIAL SECURITY!
(Deja vu, no? Here we are again, with Social Security under assault, and the rightwing corporatists wanting NO safety net under the American people--so they can smash our faces into the dust, rob us of every penny, enslave us and use our children as cannon fodder for their corporate oil wars! The fact is they are ALREADY looting Social Security--borrowing against it--as well as government pension funds, to pay for multiple tax cuts for the super-rich, and for killing and torturing Arabs and Persians to get their oil. They are as out of control as the pigs who caused the Great Depression--the glitterati of that era, who were holding "Beggars' Balls" in the Waldorf-Astoria, where the super-rich dressed up like hobos and tramps for fun, while the poor people in the streets froze to death and starved to death. The only difference that I see between that era and this one is direct fascist control of the voting counting, with these new electronic voting systems. We CANNOT change course. The essential "check and balance" against fascist power--the will of the majority--has been thwarted.)