ABC Airs 9/11 Film -- Contested Scenes Remain
By E&P Staff
Published: September 10, 2006 11:20 PM ET updated 11:30, 12:10 AM, 9:45 AM Monday
NEW YORK The first part of the controversial "The Path to 9/11" movie aired as scheduled on ABC on Sunday -- despite pleas that it be halted by several top officials in the Clinton administraton, among others -- and while several last-minute cuts were made, the key scenes that enraged many liberals remained essentially intact.
E&P had seen a review copy earlier this week. After the edits, the finalized first half of the film (at two hours and forty minutes) was, at most, only about a minute shorter than the review copy.
The final film revealed trims at certain points, and some new dialogue, but key scenes extremely critical of former Clinton national security advisor Sandy Berger and Secretary of State Madeline Albright retained most of their bite.
"Despite admonitions from members of the 9/11 Commission, 9/11 family members, and public officials from across the political spectrum, ABC/Disney chose fiction over fact and entertainment over education in airing their TV show," Clinton Foundation spokesman Jay Carson said in a statement Sunday.
As ABC had promised, the film included a kind of disclaimer, shown on the screen (though only about three times), noting that the film is "not a documentary" and includes "fictonalized scenes," "representative characters" and "time compression." It also de-emphasized its earlier claims that it was mainly based on the official 9/11 Commission Report....