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Dean Campaign Says Candidate 'looking Into Options' on Sealed Records

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papau Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-03-03 11:53 AM
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Dean Campaign Says Candidate 'looking Into Options' on Sealed Records
The AP picks up the NY Times story?

Dean Campaign Says Candidate 'looking Into Options' on Sealed Records
By David Gram Associated Press Writer

MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) - Democratic presidential hopeful Howard Dean, facing criticism from his rivals about sealed records from his 11 years as governor, is looking at ways to open some of the documents to the public, the campaign said Wednesday.

"He's looking into the options," campaign spokesman Jay Carson said of Dean, "what options there might be to balance transparency with the legitimate privacy rights of others." <snip>

Based on the type of records that are sealed, Markowitz said her office would have to consult with Vermont's attorney general to determine when other exemptions from the public records law - aside from gubernatorial executive privilege - might apply.

The materials could "include personal information, or information about personnel, or members of the public who have used government services," which would mean they would still be exempt from disclosure, she said.

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puppeteer Donating Member (19 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-03-03 11:55 AM
Response to Original message
1. What a bunch of BS.
If there really was a "liberal media," we wouldn't even have to hear about this. Hell, Bush would've been lambasted when he ran. Bah and double bah.

It's always nice to play with a loaded deck.
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Norquist Nemesis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-03-03 11:55 AM
Response to Original message
2. Here's where the dems could come together
and turn the tables to attack Bush that he did the same thing. ARGH!!!!
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Racenut20 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-03-03 12:16 PM
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3. All he has to do
Is say "I'll show you mine when you show me yours."
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papau Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-03-03 01:06 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. "I'll show you mine when you show me yours" is message media ignores
If Dean puts the same restrictions on his papers as Bush has on his - will the media go after Bush - or Dean.

It is getting old to say that we do not have a GOP right wing controlled media - they just act like they are.

The ABCNote pretends no bias - so I guess "you see what you want to see" might describe our media. But I like right wing GOP controlled media whores.
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AP Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-03-03 01:11 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. The Democrat who wins 2004 will have to be twice as good as the Repulbican
The winning Democrat has to beat a HUGE spread. You have Diebold, the media, the supreme court, Republican governors, etc.

It's not enough to say "I'll do what Bush does." You have to be twice as good as Bush. You have to say, I'll do twice what Bush does.
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