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Cameron's criticism gives US jitters over a future Tory government

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PaulaFarrell Donating Member (840 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-13-06 04:57 PM
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Cameron's criticism gives US jitters over a future Tory government
Cameron's criticism gives US jitters over a future Tory government

THE White House declined yesterday to issue a direct response to David Cameron’s attack on Britain’s “slavish” bond with the United States, even as ripples of concern about what it meant for relations with the possible next government of Britain spread across the American capital.
Tony Snow, President Bush’s press secretary, used instead words that the Administration adopts regularly when addressing political opponents and peace protesters: “Freedom of speech is a glorious thing,” he said.

A Conservative Party spokesman confirmed yesterday that Mr Cameron had no plans to visit the US in the near future, suggesting only that such an event “might take place before the next general election”.

This statement appears to contradict remarks made by William Hague, the Shadow Foreign Secretary, when he led a delegation to Washington in February. He claimed that they were “paving the way” for a meeting between Mr Cameron and Mr Bush, saying: “That, I’m sure, will take place later in the year.”

Indeed most of Mr Cameron’s most pointed remarks appear to have been aimed at the President and not at America in general. These included his attack on those who “see only light and darkness in the world” or regard the terror threat as coming from a “single global jihad”, as well as his remark that “I am a liberal conservative rather than a neoconservative”.,,3-2355558,00.html
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rubberducky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-13-06 05:05 PM
Response to Original message
1. YeeHaaaaaaaa, It`s going to get very interesting
when the poodle is shown the door. I think the chimpy`s coalition will fall all to hell.
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PaulaFarrell Donating Member (840 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-13-06 05:14 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. what's interesting is that Rupert is printing it n/t
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sweetheart Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-13-06 05:06 PM
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2. proper conservatism can indeed be appealing
Lord knows what chamelion dave would actually do if elected, but the rhetoric of proper small "c" conservatism
is really good to hear, as it shows how much bush has swung to the loony-right.

Cameron does not get that his support of the drugs war is incongruent with his other positions, and thus a
serious hole in his waffle position, one that leaves any real libertarian to distrust him and suspect he's
just another neocon campaigning with bullshit they've no intention of doing.

Gosh, can anyone hold bush to a campaign promise? No nation building, smaller government, competence in office?
Bush has made conservatives everywhere in to laughable liars, of course the torys are gonna push off.
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