administration is considering ways to soften the blow to the domestic steel industry if President Bush lifts steep tariffs on foreign steel, administration and industry officials said today.
The president had a meeting late last night in the Oval Office with Vice President Dick Cheney, Commerce Secretary Don Evans, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Zoellick and various White House economic aides to ponder his options, said administration officials who spoke on condition of anonymity.
The World Trade Organization has ruled the U.S. tariffs illegal.
While the president has not made a final decision to remove the tariffs he imposed in March 2002, officials in the steel industry said that it was their understanding that this was the recommendation he was receiving from his economic advisers.
If the tariffs are lifted, these steel industry officials said various options were being considered by the administration to demonstrate a continued commitment to helping an industry which has seen a string of bankruptcies and thousands of job layoffs.
Wonder what staying up late is for our President of the 2nd grade. 8:30?