WASHINGTON -- Rep. Dick Gephardt's campaign manager denies reports that the Missouri Democrat is running out of money for his presidential campaign.
Gephardt's Steve Murphy insists that his man has enough resources to run ads for the next seven weeks -- through the Iowa caucuses -- and then as well to fight rival Democrat Howard Dean in the South Carolina, Oklahoma, North Dakota and Missouri primaries and on to the Michigan vote Feb. 7.
"We expect to do very well
, and Dean won't," Murphy said. "If we fail ..., then we have money problems."
The intensifying rivalry between Gephardt and Dean, Vermont's former governor, has become a hallmark in the battle for the Democratic nomination. It is generally agreed that Gephardt must win Iowa to stay in the race, but that he is being vastly outspent by Dean.
more: http://www.post-gazette.com/election/20031203gephardt1203p2.asp