each political reception close to the church and try to get the pastor to mention it during services. See that the minister invites at least a handful of "money people." Sign up church members to help with "lit drops."
Those were instructions Attorney General Phill Kline gave to his re-election campaign staff in an internal memo outlining an aggressive effort to mobilize support among conservative Christian churchgoers.
Kline, a Republican facing a difficult race against Democrat Paul Morrison, the Johnson County district attorney, said he wanted large crowds at events and no gaps in his schedule. If he had free time, he wrote, he should be taken to a quiet place to make phone calls.
"Feed me Slimfast," Kline wrote. "Do not need a sit down meal. Takes too much time."
Kline wrote the memo Aug. 8 to campaign manager Bill Roche and a volunteer. Someone leaked it anonymously to Statehouse reporters, sending copies of it and scheduling memos in envelopes with a return address of "Concerned Citizens, Everywhere, KS."
More...teh arrogant bastard admits to violating IRS regulations regarding non profit status of churches....:grr: Kansas residents (maybe all of us?) should file a complaint with the IRS? :shrug: