, September 17, 2006
Elizabeth Auster
Plain Dealer Reporter
Washington -
..."In a sense, we have enough scandals with the Taft administration. I'm not sure if one more has that much more effect," said Ohio State University political science professor Herb Weisberg. "I think it
will increase somewhat the anti-Republican incumbent feelings in the state of Ohio, but we're not talking about a 20 percent difference. We're talking about a few more percent."...
Democrats clearly hope so. Dover law director Zack Space, the Democrat nominee for Ney's seat, has made ethics a centerpiece of his campaign. His spokeswoman, Angela Guyadeen, said Space plans to emphasize to voters that Padgett is running with Ney's blessing...
"It's irrelevant. He's not on the ballot," said Ed Patru, a spokesman for the National Republican Congressional Committee...
Ohio GOP chairman Bob Bennett said he expects Democrats to try to exploit Ney's guilty plea and "do their predictable hue and cry about the culture of corruption." Bennett maintained in a statement, however, that he expects Republicans to persuade voters that they are trying to "clean up the corruption where it exists in government, regardless of partisanship, while the Democrats stand idly by pointing a hypocritical finger."