, September 17, 2006
Former Gov. Michael Dukakis blasted Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey for launching a “disgraceful” television ad targeting Democratic gubernatorial candidate Chris Gabrieli’s stance on stem cell research.
The Healey ad, which rolled out this week, suggests the venture capitalist stands to profit from his proposal to publicly fund stem cell research.
“It’s a disgraceful ad,” Dukakis said from his Northeastern University office. “To suggest that this guy is supporting stem cell research because he’s going to make money off of it is ludicrous.” (I wish he hadn't said that...that is exactly what a repuke would do)
“Well, I would have preferred that the race stay positive,” Dukakis said, but in the grand scheme of things, “I’ve seen a lot worse, let me tell you.”
Healey spokesman Tim O’Brien said the ad was launched in response to a spot broadcast throughout Massachusetts by the Democratic group the Patriot Majority Fund.
checked out PMF on whois