First, you don't issue a report and say you don't trust your numbers. You clean up your numbers first, and then issue your report. They're releasing unexpurgated complaints: make a complaint, you're listed. No attempt to ascertain which complaints are well founded, which which are spurious. They should care, not CAIR, about the numbers.
Actually, you
do record all complaints. You can let others draw their own conclusions about them, but you do record them. This is especially the case when the media does not report on incidents. When other minority groups are attacked, the media runs right to the scene. The wink and nod regarding Muslims is part of the hate inspired against them.
It is also important to be aware of the very real danger that those who actually support bigotry against Muslims may carp, criticize and minimize the actual complaints in an attempt to minimize and further alienate and ostracize Muslims. This makes those who are the victims of such incidents less likely to speak out. Certainly, this should be guarded against and not countenanced.
As for the media, it's hard in the Arab world to turn on the radio and not hear negative, bigoted comments about Xianity and Judaism. Perhaps that would explain "the rise in anti-Xian rhetoric" we've seen in the last decade. Both sides should ratchet down the comments. But when CAIR folk go overseas, they complain on Arab talk shows about Xianity and Judaism, and say the US must quell such bigotry. Only in the US do they say both sides must calm down, which basically means just the US.
It is true that everyone must stop the lying rhetoric. Glen Beck is on television 4 hours per day nearly non-stop calling for the mass murder of Muslims (often in the guise of "confronting terror" or supporting the "war on terror.") But some of those of whom you speak are backed by billions of dollars of corporate power as well as the nod from the Christian Fundamentalist Administration governing the U.S.
Massive conglomerates, such as Fox News, CNN, ABC and others are untouchable. They are also insulated by the millions of brainwashed religion-addicts sucking down the lies that they produce 24 hours every day. The monsters that CAIR is up against are far more powerful and far more difficult to reach than some desert television antenna broadcasting to desert sands in the Middle East.
Don't like CAIR. Advocates aren't truth seekers, but truthiness producers.
Thanks for the disclosure.