U.S., Venezuela more obviously than Iran. Venezuela has strengthened its democracy in every way. For the first time in its history, it has elected a government that represents ALL of the people, including the vast population of the poor and the brown, who have been exploited, oppressed and locked out of the political life of the country, and out of government services until now. With a lot of hard work on transparent elections, and on constitutional government, Venezuela at last has a truly representative government. The U.S. should be applauding these developments--instead of fomenting violent military coups and FUNDING the Chavez opposition (the rightwing fascist oil elite) with OUR tax dollars! Venezuelans BELIEVE in democracy, and, from what I can tell, have no animosity to us, the American people. They SHOULD BE a friendly nation--but for the ILL MOTIVES of the Bush Junta.
As for Iran, our mistakes go way back--to 1950s, when we colluded with Israel to destroy Iran's democracy, and to inflict the Iranian people with 25 years of torture and oppression under the horrible Shah of Iran. The Iranian revolution against that oppression was, and is, a good thing. The rise of the mullahs is not, but WE are RESPONSIBLE for driving the Iranians into the arms of the mullahs. Islamic rule is their safety net, essential to restoring order and civility, after years of abominable misrule and interference. The Iranians' fear and distrust of us is WELL-FOUNDED. We made it very clear to them--by toppling their democratically elected government, and installing the Shah--that we have no good intentions there. And in case they'd forgotten, they have the Bush invasion and occupation of Iraq to remind them of what we intend now: mass slaughter, massive destruction of infrastructure, torture, chaos, massive looting, mob rule, death, death and more death--in order to get control of their oil.
We had a chance with Iran, back in 1954. We blew it, big time. I don't know if we can ever recover their trust. We might start by APOLOGIZING to the Iranian people for destroying their democracy. But, actually, I think we should entirely withdraw from the Middle East and never go near the place again, and let Israel do the apologizing. Israel is the one in the most danger from the Bush Junta's ill intentions. Israel should apologize to Iran, and work with Iran to stabilize Iraq and to expel the Bush Cartel from the Middle East, in a new strategy of regional self-determination and cultural and ecological renaissance. Israel's current position in the Middle East is UNTENABLE. It cannot be maintained with military might or aggression--short of annihilating millions of Arabs and Persians, an unthinkable act that would bring Israel's destruction in any case. The world wouldn't put up with it. World war and the final destruction of the planet would likely be the result. If Israel wants to be accepted as a nation in the region, it MUST begin to make peace with its neighbors, and severing itself from its alliance with the universally despised Bush regime would be a good way to start. It would ALSO help Israel retain support among the American people--support that has been greatly endangered by Israel's association with the Bushites, who are almost as despised in this country as they are everywhere else. Our subsidies are vital to Israel, but should be contingent upon a PEACEFUL policy, and should not be in the form of military support (which should be phased out). The war profiteers MUST be removed from the equation. THEY are huge part of the problem, here and there.
It's not just Iran and Venezuela that are forming an alliance against the Bushites. China, Russia, France and much of Europe are opposed to Bush Junta aggression against Iran--and probably also most of South America, where a huge, peaceful, democratic, leftist (majorityist) revolution is in progress. The exquisite irony of the Venezuela/Iran alliance is that Hugo Chavez--universally reviled and slandered by our war profiteering corporate news monopolies, and by the Bush Junta--may, in the end, influence Iran toward a more democratic course, something that Bushite policy--based on fear and threats and bad motives--will never do. A little kindness, a little diplomacy, a little mutually beneficial trade, and the hand of friendship FROM a democratic country--VENEZUELA!--may go a long way to bolstering the already great potential of the Iranian people for progressive policy. (The tragedy of U.S./Israel vs. Iran policy is that Iran is in fact the MOST potentially progressive country among Israel's neighbors, and we and Israel have done nothing but antagonize Iranians and given them good reason for fear and paranoia.)