war--whatever their reason. It is a sign of rigged elections and our faltering democracy that we are still there--having been led into it with lies, bearing guilt for the slaughter of at least 100,000 innocent people (in the initial bombing alone, according to the British doctors' report), bearing guilt for the unconscionable torture of innocent Iraqis, having to watch Halliburton, the vice president's company, steal billions and billions of dollars from us and from the Iraqi people, with no accountability, and having to be witness to the utter, wanton destruction of Iraqi society from day one of the invasion, with our Secretary of Defense equating looting and freedom.
HOW can this be continuing? How can our soldiers be dragged back into this, time and again, with multiple tours of duty in the hell that the Bushites have made of Iraq?
I have no doubt that this woman was intensely harassed. I've read detailed accounts of her story. The whole tenor of the U.S. presence in Iraq is brutal beyond belief, harassing, bigoted, macho, corrosive of all human and democratic values, and a criminal blight on our nation. I've no doubt that MANY soldiers are being harassed in every conceivable way. And I admiring of Spc. Suzanne Swift for calling them on it, and refusing to take this any more. What courage! What moxy! What spirit! Power, prayers and good wishes to you, Suzanne! And whatever hell they try to put you through for this rebellion, remember that it is THEIR problem, not yours. It can inconvenience and even hurt you, but it cannot touch your deeply any more. Your healing begins NOW!