link: STAFF
THE United States government yesterday urged a federal appeals court to allow it to pursue a possible death sentence for the suspected 11 September conspirator, Zacarias Moussaoui, even though it refuses to let him question three al-Qaeda captives who might help clear him.
A leading justice department lawyer urged the federal appeals court in Richmond, Virginia, to overturn a lower court ruling that bars the government from seeking the death penalty or presenting evidence linking Moussaoui - "the 20th hijacker" - to the 11 September attacks.
The US government says the case could affect how it prosecutes terrorism cases in future
A district court judge, Leonie Brinkema, had ruled in October that prosecutors could not request the death penalty or present evidence about Moussaoui’s alleged knowledge of, or involvement in, the attacks to punish the government for refusing to allow the accused’s lawyers to question the al-Qaeda captives.
Citing national security concerns, the government refuses to allow Moussaoui - the only person charged in connection with the attacks - to question the men being held and interrogated overseas by the US.
sorry if this is a dupe, my star has fallen and i could no longer search, maybe sometime next year when i am able to work again i will be able to donate, until then sorry for any dupes...