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Poll shows Ohio senate race a dead heat

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Algorem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-20-06 08:34 AM
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Poll shows Ohio senate race a dead heat
Edited on Wed Sep-20-06 08:53 AM by Algorem

9/20/2006, 5:32 a.m. ET
The Associated Press

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Ohio's hotly contested Senate race is a dead heat between Republican incumbent Mike DeWine and Democratic U.S. Rep. Sherrod Brown, according to a poll released Wednesday.

The Quinnipiac University poll found that 45 percent of likely Ohio voters favored Brown, while 44 percent backed DeWine and 11 percent were undecided.

The telephone poll of 876 likely voters, taken between Sept. 11-17, has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

A USA Today/Gallup poll released Sept. 1 had Brown slightly ahead of DeWine, 46 percent to 40 percent...

Meet the Press announces 2006 Senate Debates

...October 1st - OHIO Incumbent Senator Mike DeWine (R) vs. Rep. Sherrod Brown (D)...

Monday, September 11, 2006

DeWine: The Six Million Dollar Man

...GOP Sen. Mike DeWine's assets of at least $6.51 million ranked 42nd on the list. Old Fort Republican Rep. Paul Gillmor's $6.16 million net worth ranked 43rd, and Springfield Republican Rep. David Hobson's $3.38 million ranked 63rd...

DeWine's 43-page financial disclosure report says his holdings consist of farmland, bonds and stocks. Roll Call reported that DeWine's portfolio declined by about $560,000 since 2005, when it ranked him the 36th wealthiest member of Congress.

The Democrat seeking DeWine's Senate seat, Rep. Sherrod Brown of Avon, didn't come close to making the list's $2.16 million bottom threshold.

Disclosure reports Brown filed in May show assets worth at least $134,000, including mutual funds and a farm in Richland County. They indicate he sold mutual funds worth at least $34,000 in 2005.

- Sabrina Eaton

Special Interests Reward Mike DeWine

Chamber Ad Distorts Truth; Hides DeWine’s Failed Energy Record

AMHERST – The Chamber of Commerce, the national representative for big industry such as prescription drug, oil, and gas companies, is at it again. Last week it was discovered that a Chamber ad thanking Mike DeWine for the Medicare Part D bill was funded, at least in part, by PhRma, the Washington D.C. lobby arm for the national prescription drug industry.

Mike DeWine received $380,000 in campaign donations from prescription drug companies.

Medicare Part D – strongly opposed by Ohio Congressman Sherrod Brown and seniors throughout Ohio – afforded the drug industry windfall profits while forcing many seniors to pay increased out-of-pocket costs and traverse a complicated labyrinth of private plans.

The latest Chamber ad, that began airing Wednesday morning, thanked Mike DeWine for gas prices and attempted to paint the Ohio incumbent Republican Senator a supporter of family-friendly energy policy.

DeWine has received more than $390,000 in campaign contribution from the oil and gas industry and actively supported the oil industry agenda in the U.S. Senate.

“Mike DeWine and his special interests friends in Washington will say anything, do anything to try and keep his job,” said Brown spokesperson Joanna Kuebler. “Senator DeWine has been a rubber stamp for the Bush administration policies backed by the Chamber its members. They don’t want to lose their cash cow.”

Gas prices soared to record highs this summer while last winter brought staggeringly high home heating bills. In 2005, DeWine voted for the Bush-backed energy bill supported by the oil and gas industry. The legislation – opposed by Brown – included $70 billion in subsidies for the oil industry.

“Mike DeWine is part of the pay-to-play system in Washington that has reaped billions in profits for special interests while betraying middle class families in Ohio,” said Kuebler. “A misleading ad backed by big business won’t distract Ohio families from demanding accountability for high gas and home heating prices.”

Brown, a leading advocate for alternative energy, has voted to increase funding for renewable fuels as well as well as introduced legislation to protect consumers from price gouging by the oil industry.

Editors -- please see ad watch to follow.

Mike DeWine TV Ad

Chamber of Commerce Energy Ad


Ad Script
The Facts:

Announcer: "Energy powers our economy and our lives. Without it we're in the dark.”

Mike DeWine supports access to reliable domestic energy supplies, alternative fuels, and conservation.
FACT: Chamber Supported Energy Bill Written By Oil Industry

Bruce Josten of the Chamber said ‘The energy bill is past due. Congress needs to finish the job and pass an energy bill to help ensure a healthy economic recovery for America, and this survey demonstrates that they have a mandate from their constituents back home to do so.’ Josten is executive vice president, government affairs of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The draft House-Senate conference report on the energy bill (H.R. 6) still languishes without a clear finishing date. President George W. Bush this week pressed Congress to proceed.”
Energy Industry Enjoyed Special Access to Cheney Energy Task Force, Meeting With Task Force Officials 118 Times. Although details of the energy task force are not publicly available, some general information on its proceedings has become public. Particularly notable are reports of the energy industry's special involvement in its deliberations. Nine days before President Bush's inauguration, energy industry lobbyists gathered in the American Petroleum Institute's offices to make a "wish list" for the Bush energy plan. The list was forwarded to the Bush energy transition team, and eventually to the energy task force. Task force officials met with 118 energy groups, and only 13 environmental groups, five academics and one consumer group.
Mike DeWine Helped the Oil and Gas Industry’s Bottom Line, and They Returned the Favor. DeWine has accepted more than $380,000 in contributions from the oil and gas industry.
FACT: Mike DeWine Let Down Ohioans on Alternative Energy, and Conservation

DeWine Opposed Increasing Electric Utility Regulation. In 2002, DeWine voted against increasing the regulation of electric utilities by imposing higher standards to permit mergers and acquisitions of electric utilities. The amendment would also require increased public disclosure and transaction transparency by electric utilities.
DeWine Cast Crucial Vote Against Regulating Price Manipulation in the Energy Market. In 2003, DeWine cast one of the deciding votes against an amendment which prohibits manipulative practices in electricity markets (rather than just round-trip trading); specifies that electricity rates resulting from manipulative practices are not just and reasonable under the Federal Power Act; and directs the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to revoke a company's ability to sell power market based rates, if the Commission finds or has found that the company has knowingly endeavored to manipulate electricity markets.
DeWine Voted Against Specifying That Manipulating Electric Energy Market Is Illegal. DeWine, on November 5, 2003, voted against the Cantwell amendment to H.R.2673, which was an amendment “to make clear in the Federal Power Act that manipulation is illegal in the electricity energy market.”
DeWine Voted to Limit The Regulatory Powers Of The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. In 2002, DeWine voted to strike the electricity title, except for the provisions to increase consumer protections, to develop enforceable electricity reliability standards, to repeal the Public Utility Holding Company Act (PUHCA), and to substantially repeal the Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act (PURPA). The amendment would strike measures to increase the regulatory power of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).
DeWine Rejected Tax Credits for Renewable Energy Technologies. On a vote of 43-56, the Senate rejected an amendment from Senator Bingaman (D-NM) to establish tax credits for investments in renewable energy technologies. DeWine voted against these incentives even as our country must increase our energy efficiency to be less dependent on foreign oil.
DeWine Voted Against Renewable Electricity. In 2005, DeWine voted for an amendment to the Energy Bill that would bar federal subsidies for all wind power projects that fell within 20 miles of “high scenic areas.
DeWine Voted Against Renewable Electricity Requirements. In 2005, DeWine voted an amendment that would mandate that renewable energy sources must produce at least 10 percent of the electricity sold by electric utilities by 2020; a minimum of 2.5 percent must be produced beginning 2008 through 2011.
DeWine Voted Against Doubling Renewable Electric Energy Mandates To Require 20% Of Electricity To Come From Renewables By 2020. In 2002, DeWine opposed doubling the renewable electric energy generation mandates and phase them in at a more rapid rate. The amendment would require that 20 percent of electricity come from non-hydro renewable sources, such as solar, wind and biomass from wood and agricultural scraps, by 2020. The amendment would also use a system under which credits would be given for renewable energy produced and under which those credits could be sold.
DeWine Voted For Cutting Penalties In Half For Utilities That Do Not Produce 10% Of Their Power From Renewable Sources By 2020. In 2002, DeWine voted for an effort to reduce the cost of the penalties on utilities that do not produce 10% of their power from renewable sources by 2020. The proposal would reduce the cost of the penalties from three cents/kWh to one and a half cents/kWh, under the energy bill's renewable portfolio standard. The vote was on a motion to table the Nickles amendment to the National Laboratories Partnership Improvement Act of 2001.
DeWine Rejected Tax Credits for Renewable Energy Technologies. On a vote of 43-56, the Senate rejected an amendment from Senator Bingaman (D-NM) to establish tax credits for investments in renewable energy technologies. DeWine voted against these incentives even as our country must increase our energy efficiency to be less dependent on foreign oil.
DeWine Voted Against Renewable Fuel Requirements. In April 2004, DeWine voted against requiring that gasoline sold or introduced into the United States contain renewable fuel in specific amounts, beginning with 3.1 billion gallons in 2005 and increasing each year to 5 billion gallons in 2012.
DeWine Voted Against Requiring Reduction in the Amount Of Oil Used By Cars. In 2002, DeWine voted against requiring the Secretary of Transportation to promulgate regulations for passenger and non-passenger automobiles manufactured after model year 2006 that were designed to reduce the amount of oil (including oil refined into gasoline) used by automobiles by at least 1 million barrels per day by 2015.
FACT: Sherrod Brown Has a Strong Record of Keeping the Energy Companies Under Control, Alternative Energy, and Conservation:

Brown Voted to Refund Western Energy Consumers Ripped Off By Enron. The vote supported an effort to order bigger refunds for electricity consumers in Western states who were victims of price gouging during the energy crisis of 2000 and 2001. The vote occurred recently after released transcripts showed Enron Corp. traders crowing about manipulating power prices in California and elsewhere. Using a procedural motion, the GOP-led House prevented consideration of the proposal that would have also forced the commission to open new investigations to pursue refunds and order reimbursements for any future manipulation. One portion of the amendment - requiring the commission to release documents relating to the 2000 and 2001 power crisis - was later approved by voice vote. An effort to block consideration of the refund proposal passed, 209-182.
Brown Voted Against Final Energy Bill that Gave Billions to Oil, Gas and Nuclear Industries. The vote was against the energy conference report that exempts oil and gas industries from some clean-water laws, streamlines permits for oil wells and power lines on public lands, and helps the hydropower industry appeal environmental restrictions. One obscure provision would repeal a Depression-era law that has prevented consolidation of public utilities, potentially transforming the nation's electricity markets. It also includes an estimated $85 billion worth of subsidies and tax breaks for most forms of energy -- including oil and gas, "clean coal," ethanol, electricity, and solar and wind power. The bill included $2 billion for "risk insurance" in case new nuclear plants run into construction and licensing delays. And nuclear utilities will be eligible for taxpayer-backed loan guarantees of as much as 80 percent the cost of their plants. The bill passed, 275-156.
Brown Voted Against Oil Refinery Bill That is a Giveaway to Oil Companies and Does Nothing to Lower Gas Prices. The vote was against the Refinery Permit Process Schedule Act, a bill which requires state and local governments to comply with a new federal schedule for approving permits to site, construct, or expand a refinery. The bill requires the President to designate three military bases closed through the BRAC process since 1988 as locations for new oil refining facilities. The Secretary of Defense can sell or transfer this land at no cost to an oil company to build a refinery, overriding local concerns. The Republicans tried to pass this bill in an expedited fashion in May 2006, but their effort was unsuccessful because under the rules the bill required a 2/3 majority (Vote #116).
Brown Voted to Remove Tax Breaks for Big Oil Companies from Tax Bill. The vote was for a motion to instruct conferees negotiating H.R. 4297, the Tax Reconciliation Bill. The motion would instruct House conferees to 1) to accept three bipartisan provisions from the Senate that would remove subsidies and close loopholes for large integrated oil companies, so that big oil companies would pay their fair share of taxes, and 2) strike the extension of the capital gains and dividend tax cuts. The total for these two proposals is $51 billion. In 2005, the top five oil companies reaped more than $100 million, three times their profits in 2002.
Brown Supported Measure to Reduce Energy Market Fraud & Manipulation. The proposal would reduce fraud and manipulation of energy markets and prevent future blackouts. It also would defer deliveries of crude oil to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in an effort to control the costs of gasoline. The proposal was rejected, 192-230.
Brown Voted To Take Immediate Action To Solve The Problems In Our Nation's Electricity Transmission Systems That Led To The 2003 Northeast Blackout. Congress has stalemated for nearly three years over controversial energy legislation containing contentious items like oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Following the blackout that left 50 million people out of power, Rep. John D. Dingell (D-MI) offered a motion to instruct members of the energy conference to reach agreement on the electricity reliability provisions contained in the larger energy bill by September 12 and immediately bring the reliability bill to the floor of the House. The motion failed, 176-211.
Brown Voted For Tougher Laws To Prevent Energy Fraud. Amendment introduces tough new laws to crack down on fraud and abuse in energy markets. The measure would have provided the government with broad anti-fraud authority for both the gas and electricity markets. It also would have authorized the government to refund electricity overcharges in California back to the date they commenced and required it to reform its policy on market-based electricity rates. The measure would have improved the government's ability to conduct investigations and take enforcement actions. It was rejected, 193-237.
Brown Voted Against Polluter-Sponsored Energy Policy. This legislation would provide final passage of an energy policy that would allow oil and gas leasing in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, let companies avoid federal royalty payments on natural gas taken from the Gulf of Mexico, and provide for expedited environmental impact studies and speedy hearings for legal challenges. The legislation would provide $18.7 billion over 10 years in tax breaks and incentives, largely to promote the development of oil, gas, coal and nuclear power. The bill passed 247-175.
Brown Voted Against Cutting $2.7 Billion From Commodity, Research, Rural Development And Conservation Programs. The vote was against the conference agreement to cut mandatory spending programs by $39.7 billion over the next five years. Due to the billions of dollars in tax cuts passed separately, the budget reconciliation package would increase the deficit. The measure made several cuts to agriculture programs including $934 from farm conservation initiatives and $1 billion from programs focused on rural development, enhanced broadband and renewable energy. Finally, the bill reduced he amount of direct payments available to farmers in advance to 40% in 2006 and 22% in 2006. It extended the Milk Income Loss Contract through 2007 at a cost of $998 million.
Sherrod Brown Backs Real Solutions in Financing Renewable Energy. Congressman Brown has cosponsored legislation expanding and extending the Wind Production Tax Credit, as well as establishing a new Clean Energy Bonds system to finance expanded investments in renewable energy.
Brown Voted For $30 Million Increase For Renewable Energy. An amendment to the energy and water funding bill would increase funding for renewable energy sources by $30 million - 10% more than what the underlying bill provided for solar, wind, biomass, geothermal and hydrogen renewable energy programs. The increase would be offset by a decrease in the Advanced Simulation and Computing program - a project to analyze and predict the performance, safety, and reliability of nuclear weapons and certify their functionality. The increase was defeated, 150-241.; HR 4614, Vote #321, 6/25/2004>

Announcer: “While some play partisan politics with our energy future, Senator Mike DeWine is fighting to bring gas prices down and keep jobs at home.”
FACT: Mike DeWine Rewards the Oil Companies Making Record Profits and Has Done Little to Help Gas Prices

DeWine Voted Against Allowing State and Geographic Exemptions to Ethanol Requirements If Gas Prices Rise By 10 Cents Per Gallon. On June 4, 2003, DeWine voted against an amendment which added language that would give the president authority to exempt a state or geographic region from specific ethanol requirements for 30 days if the Energy secretary determines the requirements have caused or will cause the average cost of gasoline to increase by at least 10 cents per gallon. The underlying amendment would require gasoline refineries to use 5 billion gallons of ethanol or other alternative renewable fuels annually by 2012, phase out the use of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) and eliminate a requirement that gasoline sold in regions with high levels of air pollution contain 2 percent oxygen by volume.
DeWine Opposed Effort to Cut Gasoline Taxes. The Environment and Energy Daily reported in April 2000 that, “Trent Lott (R-Miss.) last week managed to round up enough votes to push through a cloture motion to proceed on his plan to cut federal gasoline taxes (S. 2285), but by week's end the bill seemed in trouble as Senate Republicans defected en-masse… confirmed Friday they would oppose Lott's plan.”
DeWine Voted Against Suspending Federal Fuel Taxes. In 2000, DeWine voted against an amendment that would suspend for 150 days the 18.4-cent per gallon Federal gas tax, the 24.4-cent per gallon diesel tax, and other Federal fuel taxes. The motion was rejected, 40-59.
DeWine Has Long Record of Supporting Polluters. The Columbus Dispatch reported in September 1992 that, “ Tinianow castigated DeWine, Ohio's lieutenant governor, for supporting efforts to weaken the Superfund bill and for opposing legislation to require employers to notify workers of potential health effects from exposure to chemicals. ‘'Mike DeWine has not led on a single environmental issue,’ Tinianow said. ‘He's been more than happy to accommodate the polluters.’”
DeWine Voted for an Energy Bill that Gave Tax Breaks to Oil Companies. In 2003, DeWine voted for invoking cloture on the final version of the 2003 energy bill. The bill “ . . . was laden with more than $37 billion in corporate tax breaks and subsidies for the coal, oil, nuclear and natural gas industries. At the same time, it sought to weaken vitally important laws like the Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act. The bill would also have given the Interior Secretary authority to exempt oil companies from paying for drilling rights on public lands and included a provision to allow drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The House bill also largely failed to advance clean, efficient energy technologies that would enhance our national energy security and failed to increase automobile fuel efficiency standards. . . . ”
Voted To Limit Federal Oversight of Energy-Trading Activities, Like Enron. According to the States News Service, “Energy Policy Act (S. 14): The Senate on June 10 rejected an amendment by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., that would have tightened federal oversight of the energy markets by strengthening the role played by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and adding a role for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Proponents said the Enron Corp. scandal showed a need to more closely monitor energy-trading activities.”
FACT: Oil Companies, CEOs Making Record Profits

ConocoPhillips CEO Received Nearly $31 Million in Bonuses and Stock Options. According to Forbes, ConocoPhillips Chief Executive Officer James J. Mulva's 2005 salary was $1.50 million. He received $6.8 million in bonuses, and $23.04 million in stock options and other gains.
ChevronTexaco CEO Received Nearly $9 Million in Bonuses and Stock Options. According to Forbes, ChevronTexaco Corp. Chief Executive David O'Reilly's salary was $8.80 million as soaring oil and fuel prices boosted profit at the second-biggest U.S. oil company. O'Reilly's salary rose to $1.55 million; his bonus was $3. 5 million; and he received options valued at $3.75 million.
ExxonMobil CEO Received Nearly $4 Million in Bonuses and Stock Options. According to Forbes, ExxonMobil's CEO Rex. W. Tillerson was compensated $4.12 million in 2005. He received $960,000 as salary, $1 million as a bonus and $2.16 million in stock options and other gains.
FACT: Sherrod Brown Has Long Record of Fighting for Lower Energy Prices

Brown Voted To Give Consumers Immediate Relief At The Gas Pump. The vote was for an alternative energy plan that would bring immediate relief to consumers at the pump, increase the nation's investment into renewable fuels and energy efficiency and crack down on price gouging. The measure called on the President to suspend deliveries to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) and put the oil on the marketplace, which in 2000 brought down gasoline prices by 14 cents per gallon and crude oil prices by $6 per barrel. In 1991, the SPR release authorized by then-President Bush brought crude oil prices down $11 per barrel. It also directed the Federal Trade Commission and Attorney General to exercise vigorous oversight over the oil markets to protect the American people from price gouging and unfair practices at the gasoline pump. Furthermore, the alternative would extend for five years the tax credit that provides incentives for investments in solar, wind, geothermal and biomass technologies and provide several tax incentives for energy efficiency. Finally, the measure would prohibit federal or state permits or leases for new oil or gas drilling in or under the Great Lakes. The measure was rejected, 170-259.
Brown Voted For Giving Consumers Relief At The Pump. The amendment to the Interior funding bill would force the government to sell some oil from the strategic petroleum reserve in an effort to drive down spiking gasoline prices. The reserve, created in the mid-1970s, now holds about 660 million barrels. The amendment would cap the amount at 647 million barrels. The amendment was rejected, 152-267.
Brown Voted for Price Gouging Ban. The vote was for a bill that bans price gouging in the sale of fuels, sets penalties for such price gouging, and permits states to bring lawsuits against wholesalers or retailers for price gouging. Democrats had been fighting to get a bill on price gouging passed for almost a year, and Republicans voted several times against similar legislation proposed by Democrats.
Brown Voted For Tougher Price Gouging Laws. The vote supported a motion to grant new authority to the Federal Trade Commission to investigate, enforce and then punish price gouging and market manipulation. Any violation would result in new civil penalties, and would be enforced with up to triple the damages of the profits gained by the violation.
Brown Voted to Crack Down on Price Gouging & Lower Gas Prices. The vote was for a measure to provide the Federal Trade Commission with new authority to investigate and prosecute those that engage in predatory pricing, from oil companies on down to gas stations, with the emphasis on those who profit the most. This includes price gouging of gasoline and natural gas, home heating oil and propane. The measure increased funding for the low-income home energy assistance program through fines from price-gouging companies and created a strategic refinery reserve with capacity equal to 5 percent of the total United States demand for gasoline, home heating oil and other refined petroleum products.
Brown Voted To Crack Down On Price Gouging. The vote was for a proposal to make it illegal during an energy crisis to sell crude oil, gasoline or petroleum at unconscionable levels. The legislation would also provide the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) with new authority to investigate and prosecute those that engage in this "predatory pricing", from oil companies on down to local gas stations, with an emphasis on those who profit most. This includes the gouging of gasoline, home heating oil, propane or natural gas. Some fines collected from such offences will go towards the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) which aids consumers in paying their heating bills.

Announcer: “Mike DeWine: working to provide sound solutions for Ohio's future.”

DeWine Received Over $1,000,000 from Groups Wanting to Weaken Air Quality Laws. In March 1997, the Plain Dealer reported that, “Two environmental groups said yesterday that business and industry spent $29 million in the 1990s lobbying senators to weaken government regulations and resist efforts to strengthen the clean air law. The Sierra Club and the Environmental Working Group said all of the companies were affiliated with at least one of three umbrella groups - Project Relief, the Alliance for Reasonable Regulation and the Air Quality Standards Coalition. The most favored senators were three Republicans: Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas, who received $934,283 over a six year period; Mike DeWine of Ohio, who received $867,193 in contributions.” Since the Environmental Working Group’s report was published, DeWine’s total contributions from groups lobbying to weaken government regulations and resist efforts to strengthen the clean air laws have contributed at least an additional $140,000 to DeWine, bringing his total of money accepted from such groups to over $1 million.

08/30/2006 / Permalink / Adwatch, Environment, gas, (all tags)

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marmar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-20-06 08:45 AM
Response to Original message
1. You can't steal an election if the polls show too big a gap....
Edited on Wed Sep-20-06 08:45 AM by marmar
There will be all kinds of nepharious bullshit going on in Ohio Nov. 7.
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leesa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-20-06 08:50 AM
Response to Original message
2. Is DeWine a candidate for one of the VoteVets body armour ads?
I think the Rs voted as a block, so I would think he has earned himself an ad.
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liberal N proud Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-20-06 09:53 AM
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3. Earlier in the week Brown was up 7 -8 points
And it was being said that no one can close a gap like this close to the election. But they had to get the numbers close enough so when the machines steal your vote, the majority will just assume Brown lost.

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AX10 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-20-06 10:54 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. How much did the GOP pay for this poll?
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goforit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-20-06 11:04 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. LOL!! Yep people should hit the voting booth hard now. tight poll makes
the Democrats DRIVEN to overturn!!!


THIS GOP PAID POLL will invigorate all whom oppose him to VOTE!!!
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MasonJar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-20-06 04:47 PM
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6. A recent poll showed Brown further ahead than 2 points.
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