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U.S. sees delay in big rise in alternative motor fuels (extra 20 years)

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sabra Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-20-06 01:36 PM
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U.S. sees delay in big rise in alternative motor fuels (extra 20 years)

U.S. sees delay in big rise in alternative motor fuels

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Bush administration says the United States needs an extra 20 years to meet Congress' goal of having almost a third of U.S. motor fuel supply come from energy sources other than gasoline.

Congress passed energy legislation in 1992 mandating that 30 percent of the fuel used to run U.S. cars and trucks by 2010 come from ethanol, natural gas, hydrogen, electricity or other replacement fuels.

The Energy Department said that goal won't be met, as replacement fuels now supply only 2.5 percent of total motor fuel used, and is proposing to extend the deadline to 2030.

"The amount of replacement fuel used, as a percent of total motor fuel consumed, has essentially been flat for the past decade despite an increase in use of alternative and replacement motor fuels," the DOE said in a notice published on Tuesday in the Federal Register.

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acmavm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-20-06 01:43 PM
Response to Original message
1. The BFEE plans on taking over all the oil fields in the Middle
East and they think they're gonna have crude up the gump stump.

Somehow I don't see it quite the same way.

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Subdivisions Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-20-06 01:46 PM
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2. Apparently they haven't heard any of the ominous warning that
Edited on Wed Sep-20-06 01:47 PM by Texas Explorer
are saying that we have just 10 years to fix the Global Warming problem or face the unknown.
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rodeodance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-20-06 01:49 PM
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3. WE need a Fed. owrk plan-like the one FDR had in place. WE CAN do
it if we had the will.
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theophilus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-20-06 01:56 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. I think we would have the will if the government just was honest with
us about the danger. Anyway, for the NeoConzis government is not to fix problems it is to provide them risk free wealth. The taxpayers put in the money and they pull their schemes and rake in the millions for themselves. Government must NOT be viewed as working for the people. It must be viewed as A. A screwup and B. War provider to guard against improbable threats.

Also, here is a little thing I threw together that I throw out every once in a while. I need to polish it and feel free to make some additions. If I can come up with this then the govt. certainly could do it. With our computer capabilities we could make it organized and make it work:

The Anti-YOYO Party Platform

The GOP has become the “YOYO” party………..”You’re On Your Own”. They would love to undo every liberal/progressive accomplishment of the last century. No sir, I don’t like it! I am against the YOYO party. I want to form the Anti-YOYO party. The emphasis will be liberal/progressive and environmental. The symbol will be a Tree.
I want all of the citizens of this country to know that they are NOT on their own. The government can care and the government can be made to work to the benefit of all. It will take some work, but it CAN be done. It will need a Rooseveltian program to save the country and, indeed, the WORLD. Climate change will kill us all. We CAN reverse what we have caused if we hit it quick and hit it hard. Details are in the Anti-YOYO Environmental Party platform. Let’s look at some of the planks, shall we?

1. Plant trees in every possible open space between the Mississippi and the East Coast. We need to restore the old ability of a squirrel to go from the Mississippi to the Coast without setting a paw on the ground. The trees will tie up carbon and put oxygen into the air. Fruit and nut trees should be planted in all public areas and along highways, etc. The populace is welcomed to use the fruit for their personal use. Animals will use the rest. Grassy areas need to be done away with except for designated natural meadows for wildflowers, etc. No lawns will mean no mowing. Think of the gas it will save. The shade from the trees needs to cover everything possible….houses, roads, buildings. There will be less runoff containing fertilizer and pesticide so the water will be cleaner.

2. Out west there needs to be a massive deployment of windmills for electric power generation. Farms that are struck with drought can still hold windmills and generate electricity. The farmers will be paid by power companies for excess power produced. A portion of that money will go to pay the government for the wind turbines, etc.

3. Out west and wherever possible there needs to be solar panels put on every structure that is above the trees or in the open to generate power. Same principle as wind mills, the owners will sell power to the electric companies and repay the government with a portion of the profit.

4. Plants will be built by the government, or private industry if they will do it right, to produce seedlings, build wind turbines, and build solar panels. Jobs will be significant and carry full health benefits. More jobs can be created to plant trees, tend to the forests, and help distribute needed parts of the process.

5. Organic farms, using the minimum pesticides and fertilizers need to be established and employ as many as possible with good salaries and health benefits. The food will be sold directly to the public at the lowest prices possible.

6. Universal single payer healthcare (Surgically Remove the Middle Men). This will allow a burst of entrepreneurial spirit never before seen. There will be more tax dollars taken in and the middle and lower class will do better and better. Believe me, it can work.

Some things we will ALL need to do:

1. Be happy with less. We need to realize and point out that GREED is a planet killing problem. For the religious, it is a mega bad SIN.

2. We have to be willing to tax the Corporations and the Rich in a fair way. They need to all give their fair share to save our country and our world. (They won’t be making much when their customers are all dead. To live a few months/years longer than the vast majority of the world is a silly goal.)

3. We must embrace environmentally friendly technologies, whether they are our first choice or not. Once again, your hummer won’t be much use when you’re dead or out of gas.

4. Stop wars of aggression and aggrandizement. Everyone should have clean water, clean air, AFFORDABLE and dignified healthcare, and a life suitable to pursuing happiness.

Make Government actually WORK for the people. Make it accountable and make it honest. (We might have to tinker with the Constitution a bit, but mostly we just need to enforce laws we already have.)

Possible slogans:

End War and Save Our Planetary Ecosystem
Less is More (At Least You’ll Be Alive!)
Greed Kills Planets
Greed Kills People

Remember: If we do nothing, we are going to have to change. There just won’t be nearly as many of us to do it. Let’s make the choices now, hard as they may be, and live to pat each other on the back!

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nealmhughes Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-20-06 04:16 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. Me likey beaucoup!
I can imagine the naysayers: "What?!? A Little US?"

One other thing is the cascading of low head medium flow turbines that do not require a dam for hydro: the Indians are using old centrifugal pumps that flow "backwards" and rather use electricity to pump water uphill, use the motors of the pumps as generators! They cascade them in the stream of flow and the fish do not see them, due to the screens on the intake and diffusers on the outflow!
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Hong Kong Cavalier Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-20-06 04:39 PM
Response to Original message
6. Oh, gee, there's a surprise. And who's fault is that?
A Democratic controlled Congress passed a bill that mandated a 30% use of fuel to be from replacement fuels.

Two years later the repugs grabbed control of Congress, and have placed a virtual stranglehold on this kind of legislature.

So now, as we approach 2010, replacement fuels only supply 2.5% because the repugs have been in control of Congress
for nearly the entire time since 1994. So who's fault is that? (I'll just bet they'll say
And now they say they need an extra 20 years? Cripes.
Might as well say "we need infinity years to get this changed, 'cause it ain't gonna happen while we're in power"

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