Somali President survives NWO Assassination BidHow's this for prediction. Just four days ago we ran an analysis article
stating that the US/G8 have made Africa their new target, and plan
to split CentCom to create a new 'AfricaCom' command.
We ran the story with a photo of Abdirahin Ali Mudey, the information
officer for the Somalian Islamic movement.
Then, yesterday the NWO tried to assassinate the president of Somalia,
killing his brother and at least ten others in a presidential convoy. There
were two suicide bomb cars and a team of assassins.
The blasts were massive -destroying many of the convoy's vehicles.
One of the cars blasted the lead presidential vehicle, then a second
car bomb hit the convoy. This was a very professional and determined effort.
Was it really 'Al-Qaida' acting alone? Local Islamic leaders have condemned
this attack, and the killing of a Christian nun in the wake of Pope Benedict
XVI's comments about Islam. Meanwhile the CIA was last week accused
of running covert ops in Somalia.
The blast derails moves to ease tensions in the country and undermines
Somalian Islamist plans to launch a worldwide PR campaign to assert that
they do not share the ideaology of Afghanistan's Taliban.
To whose advantage is that?
This reminds me of the assassination of Hariri in Lebanon.
Isn't it funny how this attack comes just days after the slew of articles about
the Al-Qaida threat in Africa. Just days after the Pope's controversial
comments. Just days after the killing of a nun in Somalia.
Nice piece of classic G8/NWO Intel orchestration of events. Eh?
READ MORE: G8 Make Their Move: Pentagon to Create "AfricaCom"By Fintan Dunne,, 15th September 2006Back in mid-2004, when the G8 produced a "partnership" plan for the region,
we predicted Africa would be the next target for the global monopolists.
Last year at the time of the Live 8 concert we repeated our warning.
Now it's happening. The Pentagon is to split it's CentCom command
which covers the Middle East and North Africa. It is expected a new
command likely to be called "AfricaCom" will be created.

The move comes even as actor George Clooney addressed the Security
Council of the U.N. today --in a plea for "peacekeepers" for Darfur.
The latest developments are accompanied with a swathe of Reuters news
articles highlighting how Africa is the new frontier for "counterterrorism."
What we used to call in the old days: "Imperialism"......
READ MORE: accused of covert operations in Somalia,,1868920,00.html 
Dawn of The G8 New World Order of The G8 New World Order