October 1, 2006
COLUMBUS, Ohio - In the fall of 2004, Terrence O'Donnell, an affable judge with the placid good looks
of a small-market news anchor, was running hard to keep his seat on the Ohio Supreme Court. He was
also considering two important class-action lawsuits that had been argued many months before.
In the weeks before the election, Judge O'Donnell's campaign accepted thousands of dollars from the
political action committees of three companies that were defendants in the suits. Two of the cases dealt
with defective cars, and one involved a toxic substance. Weeks after winning his race, Justice O'Donnell
joined majorities that handed the three companies significant victories.
Justice O'Donnell's conduct was unexceptional. In one of the cases, every justice in the 4-to-3 majority
had taken money from affiliates of the companies. None of the dissenters had done so, but they had
accepted contributions from lawyers for the plaintiffs.
http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/01/us/01judges.html?ex=131/355200&en=0e956de8a5/1/9c2&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rssQuite a state, that Ohio ..