innovative ideas and freedom (probably a few other different kind of lovers too)) pledge allegiance - but never
to the US Flag and what it now
by Ed Lewis
With the above in mind - and after you read the Ten Commandments, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution for the United States of America, and the Bill of Rights - answer this: Does the US Flag more properly represent the industrial/military/politico complex - the United States Government Corporation - created by traitors to the Constitution who enforce under color laws, or does it represent Liberty of the people?
If you believe it is the latter, then remove the license plates from your automobile and begin to travel the country. Carry a loaded firearm with you in case "terrorists" carry out an act against the American people on American soil. When detained, pull out the Constitution and inform the law enforcer you are an American exercising his right to travel freely on public owned roadways while fully armed, that unless he has a bona fide search warrant or an indictment from a lawful Grand Jury, that you are going to proceed on your way.
Refuse to show him any papers unless the search warrant is produced and lawfully complete with your Christian name, what is being looked for (probable cause of a crime against another sovereign), and signed by a lawful judge. Refuse to step from your automobile and then tell the enforcer he is a servant of the people, that you are sovereign to him (his boss), and you are ordering him to allow you to continue on your way.
Tell him you are armed to protect yourself and the American people against terrorists and any traitors who aid and abet the enemies of liberty and our unalienable rights, whether the enemies are foreign or domestic.
Do so, however, only if you have some sort of death wish. If you survive the encounter without any retribution taken against you - and a hearty "have a great day" from the enforcer as you go merrily on your way - then maybe the flag symbolizes freedom of the American people.
But then we come up against over 13,000 Executive Orders given by presidents, present and past. None are law - none are constitutional when applied within the union states. Presidents cannot make law.
I think it takes all kinds and I love the libertarians for their freethinking, but sometimes practicality goes amiss with these folks.
And then to realize even with all that big thinking that goes on all over the globe, some people still haven't figured out that can't take it with them in the long run
So my thinking would be; what does anybody have to really lose other than their freedom, anyway?