Interesting question.
My experience is that the repukes seem to attract that class of people that seem to feel that every transgression against them, or their worldview, can best be remediated by the simple phrase "They needed killin'". I suppose it has something to do with some tragically skewed and misshapen idea of what entails personal empowerment. Perhaps. Or, perhaps that due to to the fact that there is just more people in the USA these days, there is, statistically, more people who would once have been called, before the genesis of the DSM-IV, psychopaths and are now called sociopaths.
Any way you slice it, they seem to be attracted, like flies to a steaming turd, to the repukes. I suspect that is because the repukes reflexively offer the least-challenging, lowest-common-denominator resolutions to some of our society's most challenging questions. In this way, they offer one-size-fits-all empowerment to those who need empowerment most, or crave it most. In truth, it's dominance/submission writ large, without the complicated and hard to care for leather accoutrement.