I suppose it was too much to hope for a truly independent outsider's voice on the commission.
So now we need to backcheck and figure out where Kerrey ties into the airline industry.
Without having any substantive evidence, I've a feeling Dashle has let us down.
(Re: Senate Intel Comm. Memo)
...The production of a memo by an employee of a Democratic member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence is an example of the destructive side of partisan politics. That it probably emerged as a consequence of an increasingly partisan environment in Washington and may have been provoked by equally destructive Republican acts is neither a comfort nor a defensible rationalization....
....Keeping these committees non-partisan is vital for the nation's security because much of what is done to collect, process and disseminate intelligence needed by civilian and military leaders is done under conditions of rigorously regulated secrecy...
....I believe this is the only way the committees can perform their unique and vital mission. And the chairman and vice-chairman need consistent support from both the Republican and Democratic leaders to keep partisan politics from influencing the work of the committee. Otherwise, short-term partisan gains - no matter its justification - will be purchased with long-term national-security losses.
For the sake of peace and security, Americans should hope and insist that this cynical memorandum be used as a wake-up call to push the partisan politics out of the work of these committees....
http://www.nypost.com/postopinion/opedcolumnists/10137.htmend snips
Lovely. Keep secrets from the people to keep political peace. Anyone think this guy is really gonna be working for getting Truth to the people?