Associated Press Writer
December 10, 2003, 7:53 AM EST
BRUSSELS, Belgium -- A French woman forced to have an abortion after a doctor's mistake asked Europe's top human rights court Wednesday to consider granting rights to a fetus, a case that could have legal implications across the continent.
Thi-Nho Vo went to the European Court of Human Rights after France's highest court overturned the doctor's conviction on a charge of involuntary homicide, ruling that the fetus was not yet a human being entitled to the protection of criminal law.
Abortion rights groups have filed arguments supporting the French position, warning that accepting a right to life for a fetus could make abortions illegal in all 45 countries that recognize the court's jurisdiction.
"Obviously we are concerned about its implications for abortion in this country and Europe as a whole," said Anne Weyman, chief executive of the Family Planning Association in Britain.