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Canada rebuffs Pentagon recruiters

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Newsjock Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 12:13 AM
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Canada rebuffs Pentagon recruiters
The Ottawa Citizen

Canada rebuffs Pentagon recruiters
U.S. tells officers to stop looking for soldiers on Canadian native reserves

David Pugliese
The Ottawa Citizen

December 10, 2003

Senior Pentagon officials have warned their recruiters to stay out of Canada after the federal government voiced concern about U.S. officers going onto native reserves shortly before the Iraq war in search of volunteers for the American armed forces.

Canadian military recruiters reported that their U.S. counterparts appeared last January on reserves in Atlantic Canada, Quebec, in the Sault Ste. Marie area in Ontario and at a number of native communities in the West. According to a report prepared for Defence Minister John McCallum, the Americans were operating on the belief that under a treaty signed in 1794 between the U.S. and Britain, they were allowed to recruit Canadian natives for their military.

... With ongoing combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Pentagon has found itself in need of more troops. One method being used to increase the ranks has been to recruit "green-card soldiers," individuals who are legal permanent residents of the U.S. but do not yet have their citizenship.

... According to Justice Department officials, the 1937 Foreign Enlistments Act prohibits foreign agents from recruiting in Canada. But they note that there has never been a prosecution under that legislation.

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happyslug Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 12:26 AM
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1. This is Nothing new
Edited on Thu Dec-11-03 12:29 AM by happyslug
During the American Civil War, more Canadians were serving in the Union Army than was serving in the Canadian Militia (Now if you go by the 1861 Militia Numbers, that is NOT true, but the 1861 Canadian Militia was in similar conditions as the Northern State's Militia i.e. bad or worse. The Union formed up its army in 1861-1862 (including troops from Canada) while the British started to have real fears of an American Invasion. Thus the Canadian militia was reformed in 1862 and again in 1863 to try to make it militarily usable (and loyal). It is this later Militia that was outnumbered by the Canadians in the Union Army.

And 50,000 Canadians also enlisted into the US Army during Vietnam, roughly equal to the numbers of Americans who fled the draft into Canada.
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grytpype Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 12:30 AM
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2. This is just unbelievable.
What a total bunch of fuckups we have for a government! Seriously, it's a very, very "special" bunch of folks.
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JailBush Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 12:33 AM
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3. Wow, a privatized army of corporate whores and
green card recruits.
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TexasMexican Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 12:53 AM
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4. French Foreign Legion
I'm not against this, I dont see anything wrong with it.

If other countries can recruit Americans we can recruit citizens of other nations, its a two way street. Its up to the individuals of every nation which country they want to fight for.

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Kinkistyle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 05:18 AM
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5. Our very own Hessians
Just make sure they don't get drunk on Christmas Eve, ;)
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