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Hollow holidays

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UpInArms Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-12-03 10:20 AM
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Hollow holidays

With less than three weeks left in its three- month annual fund drive, the Buffalo City Mission hasn't reached the halfway point toward its $1.3 million goal, and officials fear the drive may end up about 12 percent short.

The Salvation Army in Niagara Falls has raised just $43,000 toward its $103,000 Red Kettle campaign goal, as bell ringers try to meet an increasing need in a community hit hard by plant closings and layoffs.


Local holiday fund drives - whether they're providing a wrapped toy for a wide-eyed kid, a holiday dinner for an appreciative family or a bed for a homeless person - are struggling once again in Western New York's tough economy.

That's no surprise, following a recent study sponsored by the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo and the United Way of Buffalo and Erie County that found charitable giving actually went down here from 2001 to 2002.


(note to mods: although the link here has the word "editorial" in it, this appears to be a news article and is based on facts, not opinions, of the state of charitable drives and their fundraising efforts)
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Robin Hood Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-12-03 10:26 AM
Response to Original message
1. Didn't you get the talking heads memo? The economy is fine.
Get with the program man, sheesh.
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qanda Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-12-03 10:35 AM
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2. Truly
Things have magically turned around.
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Supormom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-12-03 12:19 PM
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3. Same problem here in Minneapolis...
Food shelves see higher demand but lower contributions.
Important to note that the reduction in contributions is due in great part to fewer corporate contributions. For example, General Mills used to donate large quanities of nonperishable foods to a number local food shelves. Now they say they can no longer afford to do so.

Some recovery, eh? :shrug:
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hyphenate Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-12-03 07:47 PM
Response to Original message
4. It's the same all over
I'm without a job, without money, without heat (after the end of this month), without prospects and without much of anything else. If I don't freeze to death, I will likely be left without much of anything worth living for.

It's not going to change until we're all out on the streets and Bush and his cronies are foreclosing on our very lives.
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happyslug Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-12-03 08:30 PM
Response to Reply #4
7. That is bad
But try to cheer yourself up and remember you can still vote next November against the idiot in the White House that put you in the situation.

You sound depressed and you need to think positive to get out of that depression. One way to look forward is to look forward to voting against Bush.

I wish I could help you, but I am in Pennsylvania and you are in New England. The only thing I can suggest is to move in with relatives (and Friends), for why else do we have relatives except to live off when times are rough. Keeping an independent home without the ability to provide the heat is doing you no good. Move in with someone, people do want to help, they just do not know how, you have to tell them. Money is tight and most people can not provide money, but you may be able to grab a corner, basement, or even garage of someone. We have all heard stories of people complaining of relatives living off them, but those same people complaining are often the first to provide you the help if you should ask. They know times are rough, and if we an not help our fellow humans, can we truly call ourselves human?

Ask for assistance from your relatives, apply for Welfare (it is better to be on welfare than to freeze in the street or in your heatless home). Most states give no money aid to single adults without children, but you can get Food Stamps so at least you be eating, and thinking as you eat how you are going to repay Bush with your vote next year.

Also most states have Energy Assistance programs (run through their Welfare Department) that can provide Oil, Natural Gas, Coal, or even Wood to your home. Apply. Often there are two energy assistance program, the “regular” energy assistance program and the “Crisis” program. The “Crisis” Program can provide emergency energy to you and provide money to repair broken heating systems. The money is not much, but it is better than going cold.

Finally remember people survived winters for centuries without what we call central heating. Central heating is good, but you can survive without it (If you dress for the weather). One way to survive the cold is to keep yourself warm with the thoughts of voting Bush out of Office. Think Positive, and apply for assistance. No man (or woman) stands alone, for no one person can, we ALL need help and their is an inborn need to help out fellow Human beings. Reach out for that assistance in the area you are in, contact your Welfare Department (and remember always to ask for a WRITTEN denial of any assitance).

I mention a written denial for some Welfare departments give out verbal denials, knowing such denials are invalid. When a person hears the verbal denial, the person leaves without asking for the Written Denial. Welfare Departments than list these Not as denials, but as withdraws. I have to many clients talk to me about "verbal" denials who I sent back to get a Written Denial, AND they were given welfare. Why? they were eligible for Welfare and the Verbal denial was wrong. Thus I always tell people get that written denial.

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grasswire Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-12-03 09:11 PM
Response to Reply #4
8. where do you live, hyphenate?
And have you tried to get energy assistance? Federal money is available in some areas. Call your power company and ask about it. Also, you could ask a doctor to send a letter stating that your health would be endangered if the power goes off. They can't cut you off if you have that.
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demdave Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-12-03 07:49 PM
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5. Not LBN, clearly marked editorial
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oneighty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-12-03 08:06 PM
Response to Original message
6. Faith based
funding by federal government to religious organizations has caused many to stop giving to charities. It stopped me. If the feds are going to do it no need for us to do it. Salvation Army bell ringers are absent in our village this year. I used to do that too. Never again.


180 Western New Yorker,
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