Friday, December 12, 2003
Eyman receives $20,000 'gift'
Money from jail guards union follows job he had said he would do for freeSEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER STAFF AND NEWS SERVICES
OLYMPIA -- A jail guards' union gave initiative king Tim Eyman $20,000 after he helped it qualify a ballot initiative to shrink the King County Council -- a job he had said he was doing for free.
Both the King County Corrections Guild and Eyman said the money is strictly a gift, but Eyman said he is reporting it to the state Public Disclosure Commission just to be on the safe side.
The "gift" makes the third time he has accepted money from supporters after having said publicly that he was working for free.
When Eyman helped the guild last summer, he told reporters he was working without compensation, in exchange for guild help in gaining support for his own initiative.
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