main secret industry "testers" of electronic voting machines LAST SUMMER--just prior to the mostly hotly contested Congressional elections in our history, and DIDN'T TELL ANYBODY--and are only revealing it now--that is, CONFIRMING it, "in recent interviews." Meaning what? Somebody got the goods on them and they were forced to fess up?
And how many of those questionably "tested" machines, without "quality controls," were used in the '06 elections? And what is the relationship between those voting machines and Democrats--especially antiwar Democrats--who lost, despite polls saying they were winning? Hm? TruthIsAll says we should have won 40-50 seats, not just 30. (See We know of at least one--FL-13--that was egregiously wrong, with the Repub worm "winning" by 300 or so votes, with EIGHTEEN THOUSAND VOTES 'disappeared' by the rightwing nutballs at ES&S. How many other races--closer, not so dramatic--were thrown to Bushites and warmongers?
And why won't ES&S disclose its software in FL-13? And who is this judge (Gary) who said they didn't have to--that this corporation's "right" to TRADE SECRET vote counting trumps the rights of 18,000 voters? And why wasn't this "flaw" in ES&S's software CAUGHT PRIOR TO the election? Were THESE machines among those that Ciber Inc. failed to "test" properly?
Jeez, this abiding SECRECY is driving me crazy--and it is more than likely destroying our democracy!
Throw Diebold, ES&S and all election theft machines into 'Boston Harbor' NOW! --and the EAC with them! --and the "Help America Vote for Bush Act" of 2002! Throw it all out and start over!
Some of today's DU threads on these outrages...
(on this NYT article) OP and post #4) Christine Jennings--FL-13) (She needs donations to continue this struggle!)