January 3, 2007
HOUSTON, Jan. 2 -- Richard A. Causey, Enron's former chief accounting officer, was on his way Tuesday to a federal prison in Bastrop, Tex., to begin a 5 1/2 -year sentence for his role in the fraud that destroyed the company.
Causey, 46, pleaded guilty to one count of securities fraud in December 2005, less than a month before he was to stand trial with former Enron chief executives Jeffrey K. Skilling and Kenneth L. Lay, both of whom were found guilty.
"A lot of improper things were done at Enron," Causey said as he was sentenced in November. "Some of those were done by me, and for that I am profoundly sorry."
Causey was the last of 16 former executives to plead guilty to crimes at Enron, which was the world's largest energy-trading company before it went bankrupt in December 2001 as widespread accounting fraud came to light.