(Thankfully, NPR has begun providing full transcripts of some of their better reports. Has the so-called MSM reported this, because Senator Kennedy makes an excellent point here!)
Listen to this story...(at link above)
by Mary Louise Kelly
Morning Edition, January 9, 2007 · President Bush will unveil his new Iraq strategy Wednesday night, in a prime-time address to the nation. As the White House puts the finishing touches on his speech, the nation's top intelligence analysts are toiling away on a document of their own -- a new National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq.
This is the first NIE on Iraq in two and a half years. But it won't be ready until the end of the month, after the President proposes his new Iraq policy. That's leading some to question whether the NIE is being held back, to avoid embarrassing the president....(clip)
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) authored this summer's amendment calling for an updated NIE. He's a senior Democrat on the Armed Services committee. Kennedy believes the intelligence community's leaders are "dragging their feet" on producing a new estimate. Specifically, he's furious that delivering the NIE at the end of this month means it will arrive after the president's speech.
"That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever," Kennedy said.
"For the intelligence community not to have that available to the president, and not to have it available to the Congress, when we are going to give a reaction to the president's proposal is, I think, irresponsible...."(The rest of the transcript and the audio at this link) <