NEW ORLEANS — Police set up checkpoints Wednesday to help curb a crime wave that has claimed nine lives since the start of 2007, Mayor Ray Nagin said, stopping short of imposing a curfew on this tourism-dependent city. The checkpoints will operate between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m., when about a third of the city's violent crime occurs, and will target drug and alcohol violations as well as motorist insurance. The first one was to be held in a crime-ridden area of the city.
Mr. Nagin said the police force would also increase foot patrols, sheriff deputies would supplement the force, and authorities would increase the number of surveillance cameras in high-crime areas. Speeding homicide cases through the court system is also part of his plan.
“This city will focus on murders,” Mr. Nagin said, flanked by Police Superintendent Warren Riley, District Attorney Eddie Jordan and others speaking at the bloodstained site of the city's first murder of 2007. “We're drawing a line in the sand, and we're saying, ‘We've had it.'”
A curfew had been opposed by the city's tourism leaders, who said it would further hurt businesses struggling since hurricane Katrina. While Mr. Nagin did not declare a curfew, he said the message to citizens was to stay off the streets in high-crime areas and in early morning hours.
Mr. Nagin acknowledged the criminal justice breakdown extended beyond the police force and said a corps of volunteers will be recruited to monitor homicide cases moving through the courts. “We're sending a signal that the system that used to allow you to commit a murder and there were no consequences is over. It has been easier to commit a murder than another crime in New Orleans,” Mr. Nagin said.
There are also a couple of paragraphs snipped about New Orleans officials pressuring FEMA to provide them information on residents of FEMA trailer parks.