Next thought: It's not MY convention. It belongs to the corporations and the super-rich, and will be a coronation of Hillary or some other pro-Iraq War, war profiteering, NAFTA-shilling dud.
Queasy stomach: Boring, dull, dead convention. Is she going to salute and say, "Reporting for duty"? To whom? The Corporate Rulers? Like the boring, dull, dead corporate monopoly newspaper I glance at every day and think of using as toilet paper. Like the boring, dull, dead corporate TV news and blab shows.
I know Dean's a good guy, and will work to get the labor situation straightened out. But I just, you know, had this sickening feeling of more of the same, of the final death throes of our democracy.
I am heartened by many things happening in our country--by grass roots democracy, and new word-of-mouth (and internet) communication among people--by the good instincts and progressive values of the American people, despite their having to endure 24/7 rightwing propaganda from the corporate news monopolies. When I look at where we were two years ago on issues like election fraud/election reform, and the Iraq War, I see that democracy is, in fact, working--and in the best way, from the bottom up. The American people tried their best to change the direction of the country in the '06 elections, against overwhelming handicaps, including rightwing Bushite corporations "counting" all the votes using TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY programming code. But when I look at the dismal prospects for good presidential leadership of the Democratic Party--when I think of someone like Hillary Clinton seizing control of our party, or Christopher Dodd, for goddsakes, or Bill Richardson, both of them bastards and betrayers of the people on electronic voting--I just feel dead inside. Clark, Edwards and Obama are all not so bad, but then, on the other hand, they don't seem to have the...what is it? ...the heft, the gravitas, to address the multiple HUGE crises that this nation is facing. We need an FDR. We need someone of great stature. And the only potential FDR that I see is Al Gore, and he seems not to be interested.
I do believe that the people should lead, and are trying to lead--and that great leaders arise to meet the expectations and needs and demands of the people. That is what democracy is all about. I see a great people trying to emerge from a fascist coup--to get their country back--but I don't see the leadership that they deserve coming forward, at least in these early polls and presidential announcements. I found the 2004 Democratic convention utterly sickening--with Kerry providing no leadership on the war, on torture, on electronic voting, and on many vital issues--with protesters in caged areas, cleansing that disgusting group of delegates of any real discussion or anti-Bush fire, and the whole thing was like bland, inedible, canned soup.
Is that what we're looking at? The Corporate Rulers triumph again, turning our democracy into a sideshow to sell more SUVs and legal drugs?
Well, I smell rebellion. There is vibrancy in the land. I do feel that. But the Democratic Party can so easily turn into a mush-brained, lifeless sham. And what is our other choice--brutal fascism?
What I hope is that somebody comes out of nowhere, with no money, and seizes this prize--the Democratic Party nomination--for the people! I hope that American democracy is reborn at that convention, that sparks fly, that real debate ignites the country, that the unexpected happens, and that the people are able to launch a real champion, someone who truly represents us, and who has the integrity and grit and vision to see to our interests in this troubled era. Is that too much to hope for?