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Man may sue Qantas over Bush T-shirt ban

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Swagman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-22-07 04:39 AM
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Man may sue Qantas over Bush T-shirt ban
Man may sue Qantas over Bush T-shirt ban
Monday, January 22, 2007. 6:17pm (AEDT)

"A Melbourne man is seeking legal advice after Qantas stopped him from boarding a flight because he was wearing a T-shirt that depicted US President George W Bush as a terrorist.

Qantas officials told Allen Jasson his T-shirt was offensive and could cause a security risk, as he tried to board a London bound flight from Melbourne.
Mr Jasson says Mr Bush has led an illegal war in Iraq.

The 55-year-old says it is his democratic right to express a political view.
"It's not about affronting anyone and it's certainly not an offensive statement," he said.

Melbourne QC and civil liberties advocate Robert Richter says the ban is outrageous.

"You see T-shirts like that on the streets of New York and you don't see American police telling people to take off their T-shirts," he said.

Qantas says it will allow Mr Jasson to board another flight, as long as he removes the T-shirt."
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northofdenali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-22-07 04:45 AM
Response to Original message
1. I hope he sues and wins.
My solution on a previous thread,

Everyone who sees a Jesus Saves, Rush (or the Australian equivalent) is Right, etc. t-shirt on Qantas should be adamant that they are deeply offended, and demand the removal of the shirt or the passenger wearing it.
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cyclezealot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-22-07 05:14 AM
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2. think he is wrong about t shirt freedoms in America.
I recall stories about Shopping malls banning certain political t shirts. Seems in was in Metro New York. I am sure this could happen on certain US airlines.
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wakeme2008 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-22-07 05:17 AM
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3. I am planning a cruise from New Zealand to Aust. in Dec and have
Edited on Mon Jan-22-07 05:19 AM by wakeme2008
already planned to fly Air New Zealand. :)

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