on saving our planet from meltdown, on education (free through university), on innovative small businesses, on organic food, on trains (!), and, for godssakes, on universal health care!
We. Cannot. Recover. From. The. Bush. Junta. With. A. "Balanced." "Budget."
We need FDR and a New Deal, not "Blue Dog," turncoat, corporatist Democrats.
This pisses me off so much. This is what the World Bank did to Argentina. Gave big loans to the rich elite, who ripped off the money, leaving the poor to pay the debt. Education, health care, everything went down the tubes. Nearly destroyed Argentina's society. Until the people struck back. Oh, yes, they did. The poor and middle class, in coalition, took tiny hammers and went round breaking every bank ATM display window in the country, in protest. Three governments later--in quick succession--they finally got a good leftist government that made a deal with Venezuela, which bought up part of the debt on easy terms, so that Argentina could recover quickly and restore progressive social policy--and now all indicators are up in Argentina; they are well on the way to recovery, and are even in talks with Brazil about a common currency.
It is going to take government SPENDING to recover from the wrecking ball of the Bush Junta. And if they do this "fiscal conservative" B.S., then the COST of the Bush Junta is going to be taken out of the hides of the poor, and we are going to have a crash that will make '29 look like a picnic.
I'm all for coming down on the Junta like a ton of bricks about their utter lack of accountability, their massive thievery, their diabolical tax cuts for the rich, and all the rest. But this "Blue Dog" 'fiscal conservative' crap is CORPORATE PROPAGANDA. They SHOULD BE cutting the military budget by 90%, down to a true defensive posture (no more wars of choice!). THAT is the huge cancerous growth on the back of the American people, to which the Bush Junta has ADDED massive corporate tax breaks and tax cuts for the super-rich, gas gouging, drug company gouging, credit card gouging and every other load they can dump on the poor to the benefit of the rich. We furthermore have gigantic monopolies in every sphere conspiring on price-fixing, on forcing us to remain an oil economy, and on destroying labor rights.
Everything is upside down and backwards--and headed to disaster. Stop WRONGFUL spending--spending to kill and torture people and destroy countries, and destroy the planet. START progressive spending--on education, on bootstraps for the poor, and middle class recovery, and on every kind of non-polluting technical creativity and product. And watch this country bounce back!
'Fiscal conservatism' at this time is WRONG. It's TOO LATE. It's Herbert Hoover all over again.