Omnibus Bill Freezes Spending LevelsBy ANDREW TAYLOR
The Associated Press
Tuesday, January 30, 2007; 12:53 AM
WASHINGTON -- Democrats unveiled a $463.5 billion catchall spending bill late Monday
to boost funding for community health centers, lower-income college students and efforts
to combat AIDS overseas _ while sticking within the confines of President Bush's tight
constraints for the ongoing budget year.
The bill, slated for a House vote Wednesday, finds money for Democratic priorities by
cutting Pentagon efforts to implement a 2005 round of base closings and freezing hundreds
of federal accounts at last year's levels.
-snip-"I don't expect people to love this proposal, I don't love this proposal, and we probably
have made some wrong choices," said House Appropriations Committee Chairman David
Obey, D-Wis. "At least we have made them in order to bring last year's issues to a
conclusion so we can turn the page and deal with next year's priorities."
-snip-The bill would freeze most federal accounts at 2006 levels, though there are numerous
exceptions so that agencies can avoid furloughs and hiring freezes, and for a few programs,
such as health research and education, favored by Democrats.