investigation strategy, it makes sense. In his one and only press conference on this matter, Fitzgerald said that Libby was "throwing dust in the umpire's eyes"--lying, obstructing the investigation--so that Fitzgerald couldn't SEE who did it, and--very important--WHY they did, a question that Fitz described as a grave matter of national security. Who did it, meaning--if it was a conspiracy (and court docs and testimony overwhelmingly point that way) who MASTERMINDED it? Rove? So I figure this: Rove was something of an errand boy. He got told to "get Wilson." He got told it was legal, or at least his back would be covered. But why whom? Who was calling the shots? So far, all roads lead to Cheney. Fitz's docs point strongly that way. Also, Cheney/Libby were setting Rove up. The first level of the cover story was that Rove did it out of political revenge (very believable). But that is NOT what was going on here--the outing of our entire WMD counter-proliferation network--deep cover foreign agents, in a network that took decades to create, so that illicit movement of dangerous weapons could be detected and prevented. Remember there were TWO outings--first of Plame (by Novak) and then an ADDITIONAL column by Novak naming the front company, Brewster-Jennings--so that if the bad guys in foreign governments couldn't connect the dots between Plame and people in their own government and WMD programs, they were given EXTRA help (the front company name) to identify, remove, kill these counter-proliferators.
Why would the Bush Junta want to do this?
Cheney, Libby, Rove, Hadley, Rice--they were all more on the political end of things. So I think that what we're looking at now (in the trial) is a SECOND layer of cover story, that Cheney did it for political revenge.
But who had the most operational involvement with WMD intel, cooking WMD intel, creating an Office of Special Plans for that purpose, funding scumbags like Ahmed Chalabi, "hunting" for WMDs in Iraq, creating a civil chaos and looting in Iraq, torturing people in Iraq, and killing lots and lots of Iraqis?
And who's gone from the Junta (with no change in Iraq policy)? Rumsfeld.
That's my theory of all this. Rumsfeld was the mastermind, and the Niger/Iraq nuke allegation (and forgeries) were only Part 1 of the scheme. Part 2 was PLANTING nukes in Iraq (to be "found" by the US troops--and, not incidentally, by Judith Miller, who was accompanying them on an "embed" contract signed by Donald Rumsfeld (according to her)), as the followup to the Niger forgeries. Why did WH operatives keep putting the Niger/Iraq nuke allegation BACK into Bush's speeches, even after it had been proven fraudulent by several agencies? Because that was Part I of a plan that had a Part 2--to make the Niger/Iraq nuke allegation come true. And Bush SAYING it--making the allegation--was prep to that triumphant moment of "discovery" (of the nukes) when the Bushites were proven "right," and the CIA was proven "wrong" and discredited.
I think that their nefarious scheme was foiled--more than likely by one or more of those deep cover anti-WMD agents/contacts in the BJ network--and that the Bushites were panicked, in the weeks of late June to mid-July 2003, that they were about to be exposed. So they outed EVERYBODY. (There was also a parallel WMD whistleblower debacle going on in England, with a haunting coincidence of dates, parallel to the Plame/B-J outings, that may have, at the very least, added to their panic, and may be closely tied to Treasongate--the whistleblowing, outing and highly suspicious death of the Brits' WMD expert, David Kelly, four days after Plame was outed.)
IF they were trying to plant nukes in Iraq, that may be what they are covering up NOW--that nefarious scheme and its foiling (and all their panic about it, which caused them to out the whole BJ network).
Does Fitz think this? There is no sign of it. But he is bulldog investigator--and he is most certainly aware, in this case, that he has not yet gotten past the layers and layers of coverup, to the heart of the matter. To the mastermind(s). And to the very important WHY (did they do it?) It is typical of him to squeeze the lower rungs of a criminal conspiracy, to get at the higher ups. I think he's done that with Rove successfully (wrung relatively truthful testimony out of him, with the threat of an indictment for his now admitted outing of Plame, and because Cheney/Libby tried to set Rove up--so Rove probably hates them). But so far he has not been as successful with Libby, who is still protecting Cheney (and, I think, the deeper conspiracy). However, the blood all over the floor already in this trial--this tribal war between Bush camp/Cheney camp--could crack things open at any time. Fitz is laying out a Cheney-led conspiracy--but I suspect there are key pieces still missing in THAT picture (caused by Libby's perjury/obstruction)--as well as this OTHER possible picture, deeper in the background, of the TRUE reasons for the outingS.
Whatever the truth of the matter, this is a fairly good working hypothesis to have handy, and consult, as the trial proceeds.