Since all the leading 2004 Democratic presidential contenders contine to pander to the extremist right wing minority in support of the embargo and travel ban despite the wishes of the bipartisan majority across the country, this major travesty of democracy is ignored by those who ought to know better by now. No wonder Bush reckoned it would be easy to further curtail US citizens' rights.
Hearings Begin in Cuba Travel Ban Case
December 16, 2003
Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON (AP)--Vacationing in Mexico in 1999, Frederick Burks could not resist hopping a cheap flight to Cuba for a spur-of-the-moment visit, an excursion that led to accusations by U.S. authorities that he had illegally traveled to the country.
Now, after years of waiting, Burks faces a judicial hearing, though he doesn't know exactly when.
``I'm getting tired of all this stuff,'' said Burks, 45, of Berkeley, Calif., who contends his trip to Cuba was an honest mistake. ``I broke some regulation I didn't know was there.''
... President Bush has ordered that the travel ban be enforced more vigorously.
Both the Republican-led House and Senate voted to end it, but congressional negotiators stripped that provision out of a compromise measure to finance the Transportation and Treasury departments for the federal budget year that began Oct. 1. The White House had threatened to veto legislation that would have weakened the travel ban.