Hamudi, what is wrong? You look very tired."
He slowly looks up at me and responds.
"You want the truth? I am very, very scared."
He tells me he fears civil war now in Iraq. Within two or three months if things continue like this.
Later we are watching some footage from demonstrations, and a funeral service in Al-Aahimiyah today. The funeral service was for an Iraqi killed, one of many, a few days ago by Americans. Last night the locals report 24 Iraqis killed for demonstrating.
On BBC we watch footage of Americans gunning down Iraqis as they ran from the armor clad vehicles. Gunned down in the street as they tried to run away, red tracer bullets leaving laser-like trails as they flew past bodies falling upon the cement. This was told to be in Ramadi, by the BBC, then later the same footage was told to have occurred in Falluja. As usual, the truth is hard to come by, even here, unless it is witnessed personally -- or residents of an entire neighborhood or city are all telling the same story.
This when, according to Iraqis converging around journalists today at the scene amidst pools of blood and pieces of US military uniforms, remnants from the night before when the fighting commenced in earnest. Pent up rage towards the occupiers was being released in the form of RPG's and machine guns firing towards the Americans. Three Hummers are reported to have been destroyed. Black scars mark where they were hit, burned into the pavement.
The US military have reported no deaths from this area last night.
Alaskan freelance journalist in Iraq to document the untold story... you decide if we are hearing the whole truth...he made this chilling statment within the story..
I stand in utter disbelief in what the military from my country is doing before my very eyes here.
Mods I am sorry this violates the 4 paragraph rule; albeit I hope you will give me a bit of leeway as there are several one sentence statments which I felt very pertinent to this story as all that is here to give them a good idea of what the story was about. Thanks ahead of time for your understanding.