Colombia orders arrest of regional political boss for alleged paramilitary ties
By Joshua Goodman
11:31 a.m. March 2, 2007
BOGOTA, Colombia – Prosecutors on Friday ordered the arrest of a prominent political boss for alleged involvement in a kidnapping at the heart of a scandal tying Colombia's political elite to right-wing paramilitary groups.
Alvaro Araujo Noguera's indictment came less than two weeks after his daughter, Maria Consuelo Araujo, was forced to resign as Colombia's foreign minister.
Her brother, Sen. Alvaro Araujo Castro, is already jailed on charges of colluding with illegal paramilitaries and orchestrating the kidnapping of a political rival – the same crime for which his father is wanted.
Araujo Noguera's indictment is the latest blow to President Alvaro Uribe's government, which has struggled to deflect criticism over its own alleged ties to the far-right militias.
Ordered by the regional paramilitary boss, the kidnapping succeeded in forcing the rival clan to withdraw its candidate from a congressional race, thus allowing the Araujos to further consolidate power.
An AP photographer is married to Araujo Noguera's daughter, the former foreign minister.(snip)
Colombia is the biggest recipient of U.S. foreign aid outside the Middle East – more than $700 million a year in anti-narcotic and counterinsurgency aid – and Uribe is the staunchest Latin American ally of President Bush, who is scheduled to visit March 11.
(snip/) edit:
I wonder what this news tells us about the quality of news we can expect to get from Colombia, when Uribe's own foreign minister's husband is an AP photographer there? Holy smokes! (As if we didn't know, anyway, that AP slants HARD right in Latin America and the Caribbean, even in their pathetic headline writing.)