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(Seattle Mayor) Nickels warns U.S. Senate to not rein in cities fighting global warming

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Doondoo Donating Member (843 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-02-07 03:57 PM
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(Seattle Mayor) Nickels warns U.S. Senate to not rein in cities fighting global warming
Mayor Greg Nickels told a Senate committee Thursday that state and local governments are leading the fight against global warming, and he warned Congress against reining in local efforts that are under way across the nation.

"We are not just signing a piece of paper," Nickels told the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.

"We are making tough choices. We are investing our taxpayers' money. We are transforming our cities into laboratories for climate protection. In short, we are making a difference, and laying the groundwork for strong federal policies and programs."

Nickels, who testified along with New Jersey Gov. John Corzine, the Democratic leaders of the California Legislature and other mayors, said the federal government can help by providing money for research and broad guidelines for curbing pollution that causes climate change. But Nickels and other local officials warned Congress against passing legislation that would undercut aggressive programs in Seattle, New Jersey, California and other areas.

Nickels said Congress should pass a plan "that calls for a hard and declining cap on emissions and allows for carbon trading among entities."

He also said that cities and states should be eligible for federal grants that underwrite innovative programs and research.

"We need the federal government to take on a leadership role now so that we move beyond the grass-roots innovation that is blossoming in every state in the country," he said.
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Lisa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-02-07 08:31 PM
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1. kudos to the mayor!
Edited on Fri Mar-02-07 08:32 PM by Lisa
He and his predecessor have done a lot to emphasize how municipal governments can become involved. More and more local officials are getting on board (and ultimately that could have more of an impact on the problem than actions from the White House). People seem to be getting it ...{200B236C-51E8-4008-86BD-B3D8DA635A0A}.gif
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TheWatcher Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-03-07 04:03 AM
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2. Yes, Even A Broken Clock is right twice a day.
Edited on Sat Mar-03-07 04:04 AM by TheWatcher
Now, if you can get him to stop being such a Psychopath toward this city's Nightlife, i.e. tyring to completely destroy it, I'll give him Kudos.

Nickels may be right on this one, but he isn't worth a Nickel on most other things.
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