Hey Ethiopian Government? Have you checked our southern border with Mexico? No? Didn't think so. :rofl:
http://www.defenselink.mil/news/Apr2006/20060422_4898.htmlCAMP HURSO, Ethiopia, April 22, 2006 – The 31 Ethiopian soldiers who graduated from
border security class :wow: here yesterday gave new meaning to "building capacity," buzz words for the Combined Joint Task Force Horn of Africa's efforts in the region.
Army 1st Lt. Christopher Anderson, the officer in charge of the U.S. training effort in Camp Hurso, Ethiopia, praises the students of his class during graduation exercises for the Border Security Class April 21.
This class' conclusion was made even more special because the capacity building was by Ethiopian trainers, who had taught their comrades under the watchful and proud eyes of U.S. soldiers. :eyes:
I wonder if those recruitment fliers that another DUer mentioned yesterday (by a Staff Sergeant Schultz :patriot:) BOTHER TO ADVERTISE *all* the places our beloved Dough Boys (and Girls) can get stationed overseas?
To Include:
Several Bases in Bulgaria and Romania :wow: :cry:
http://www.washtimes.com/world/20060424-121528-1841r_page2.htm There will be 2,500 U.S. troops stationed on the three bases in southern Bulgaria at any given time, although their number could reach 5,000 during rotation periods, the official said.
I mention the above because I had the opportunity to work in a GS-12 Psychologist position in the Country of Panama during the 1990s. I was assigned an Infantry Battalion of mostly young soldiers.
People don't realize just how "young" 18, 19 and 20 year old troops are with regard to their strong attachments to their family and friends back home. I don't, in any way, imply that this is immature in a negative sense. Not at all. However, because some of these men were away from home (for a significant length of time) often for the first time, it should surprise nobody that alcohol abuse was a significant problem in both the enlisted and junior officer ranks, i.e., self medication.
Considering that in many people's opinion, Panama is a tropical paradise, we can only imagine the alcohol and drug abuse problems emanating from stationing troops in austere countries such as Bulgaria and Romania. :wow:
We used to joke that "Our Alcoholics" were the most physically fit. :crazy:
It's just tragic, IMO, that we (the government) cannot provide enough advisers / counselors for our younger soldiers while they are on active duty. I can only imagine how many Veterans with Chronic problems (PTSD, Depression, GAD, etc.) fall through the cracks. :cry:
"Miss Rice signed a similar agreement with Romania in December. It has been ratified by the parliament's lower chamber and is currently awaiting approval by the Senate, said Sorin Ducaru, the Romanian ambassador to Washington."
Par-Tee! :party: