Assad flips out at Ahmadinejad on phone
Syrian President Bashar Assad exchanged harsh words with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during a phone conversation, the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Siyassah reported on Wednesday.
Sources close to the Syrian leader told the newspaper that Assad had initially called the Iranian president to discuss Ahmadinejad's meeting with Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah in Riyadh.
However, the conversation reportedly turned ugly when Ahmadinejad voiced support for the establishment of an international tribunal on the assassination of former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri - a sensitive subject for Syria, which has been suspected of involvement in the Lebanese leader's death.
The report said that Assad became enraged and launched into an angry tirade, cursing the Iranians at the end of the conversation.
Iran and Syria have been allies for decades. They have been particularly united in their criticism of Israel and the United States.
HERE IS THE ARTICLE FROM Al-Siyassah telephone Nejad and exploded ... غاضباًAngry
كشف مصدر مقرب من القصر الرئاسي السوري ان الرئيس بشار الاسد بادر بالاتصال بنظيره الايراني محمود احمدي نجاد فور عودة الاخير من الرياض فجر الاحد الماضي للاطلاع على نتائج القمة السعودية- الايرانية , مؤكدا ان الا سد كان في حالة مزاجية سيئة للغاية بعد المحادثة الهاتفية دفعت بعض مساعديه المقربين الى العمل على تهدئة روعه واقناع�� بعدم قطع شعرة معاوية مع الايرانيين .A source close to the presidential palace that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his parents have contacted the Iranian Mahmoud Ahmadinejad soon return the last of Riyadh at dawn last Sunday to be briefed on the outcome of the summit-Saudi Arabia, Iran, stressing that only bridge was in a state of mind, very bad after the telephone conversation was paid to some of his close associates to calm down and convince no spare thin line "with the Iranians.
وقال المصدر ل¯ " السياسة " ان سورة الغضب التي تملكت الرئيس الاسد الى درجة كيل السباب والشتائم للايرانيين اشارت بوضوح الى انه سمع من احمدي نجاد كلاما لم يكن ينتظره خصوصا في ما يتعلق بالملف اللبناني وتحديدا حول المحكمة الدولية في قضية اغتيال رئيس وزراء لبنان الاسبق رفيق الحريري.The source said ل¯ "policy" that rage overpowered by President Assad to the extent Under insults and curses of the Iranians clearly, that he has heard from Ahmadinejad are not waiting, especially with regard to the Lebanese file, specifically on the court international involvement in the assassination of the Prime Minister of Lebanon's former Prime Minister Rafiq al-Hariri.
واشار المصدر ذاته الى ان مساعدي الاسد تمكنوا من اقناعه بعدم التصعيد مع طهران في الوقت الراهن والتفكير بدلا من ذلك في الخيارات المتاحة لعرقلة أي تفاهم سعودي- ايراني لتسوية الازمة اللبنانية وتمرير مشروع المحكمة الدولية خصوصا وان وزير الخارجية الايراني منوشهر متكي او سكرتير مجلس الامن القومي علي لاريجاني سيزور احدهما دمشق خلال الايام القليلة المقبلة لوضع الاسد في اجواء القرار النهائي الذي اتخذته طهران للتعامل مع الملفات الاقليمية.The source pointed out that Al-Assad's assistants were able to convince him not to escalate with Tehran at the present time, instead of thinking in the options available to block any Saudi-Iranian understanding for the settlement of the Lebanese crisis and tried to pass the International Tribunal in particular, the foreign minister, Iranian Manouchehr Matki or National Security Council Secretary Ali Larijani, will visit Damascus, one in the next few days to put Assad in the atmosphere of the final decision taken by Tehran to deal with regional files.