and commentators SHOULD BE saying about Bush--that he's a hypocrite, that he's "Mr. Danger," that he leaves a smell of sulfur behind him--but won't say because of who owns them.
There really isn't a word for Bush declaring his care about the Latin American poor. It's right up there with his care about the liberty of Iraqis, one hundred thousand of whom he slaughtered in the initial bombing alone, and thousands of whom he has tortured, and millions of whom he has condemned to poverty, injury, illness, and inconceivable deprivation in a shattered country.
Hypocrite hardly covers it. Even the Nobel Prize for Hypocrisy--or Mad Magazine's Oscar for Best Supporting Actor in a Foreign Film--or Pulitzer Prize for Most Fascist "Talking Points" Transcribed by American Lapdog Journalists are insufficient as an award to Bush. How about the Congressional Medal of Horror?
Even as Bush is spirited through the few Latin American countries with sufficient Darth Vader cops to keep the baskets of rotten fruit several blocks away, huge scandals about the foul corruption, drug trafficking and murders of peasants and leftists committed by his fascist paramilitary buds in Colombia and Guatemala, and their plots against democratic governments (for instance, a plot of the Colombian paramilitaries to assassinate President Chavez, recently uncovered), are rocking those rightwing regimes. These criminals are the chief beneficiaries of the billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars (checks written on our future) that the Bush Junta is larding mostly on Colombia in "military aid" for the murderous, supremely HYPOCRITICAL U.S. "war on drugs." These funds PROMOTE drug trafficking, mass murder and repression of the poor. Their recipients are in direct collusion with the Bush Junta to destroy the democracy movement in Latin America, to prevent these countries from achieving self-determination, to reinstall fascist dictatorships, and to reopen this region to global corporate predators.
As I said, "the gold medal of hypocrisy" doesn't cover it. Words have failed Mr. Chavez, a surprising development. But then words fail us as well. How do we describe what has happened to our own country, and how we have ended up with this evil, sulfur-smelling snake representing us in the world?
The remedy:
In Venezuela, they handcount FIFTY-FIVE PERCENT of the ballots, as a fraud check on the electronic voting machines (an open source code system). Know how much WE handcount, as a check of electronic voting machines, that are run on 'TRADE SECRET,' PROPRIETARY programming code, owned and controlled by rightwing Bushite corporations? If you don't know, you need to find out. Because that is why Venezuela has a representative government, and we do not.